Act 14: Fracture

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Three hours after the battle against Sirin

Perceval stood solemnly in the Command facing the Overseer, the looked distantly at the Overseer, as if he was looking straight through him. Otto stood. "What's your report, Perceval?" The Knight didn't hear him, continuing to distantly stare. Rita tapped him on the shoulder. "Master Perceval?" He shook his head. "Sorry... I was just lost in thought." His voice was dry and emotionless, his normally bright eyes were now dull and his eyelids sagged. "We succeeded in neutralising the Herrscher." Otto smiled. "Wonderful." He turned to face the display monitor behind him. "Send my regards to Major Himeko." Perceval gagged slightly. "I'm afraid... I can't do that." Otto turned his head and raised an eyebrow. "How so?" His voice spoke cautiously, yet firmly. Perceval sighed. "Major Himeko Murata has... Died..." Rita looked on in shock, Otto stared at Perceval with sympathy. "How did she pass?" Perceval stared emptily. "She valiantly fought against Sirin, she... Sacrificed herself to save Kiana." He looked down at the floor. "I was unable to retrieve her body, it... Fell into the Sea of Quanta." Otto turned and walked up to Perceval. "You did your best. Get some rest." He pet him on the shoulder, the Knight nodded. "Understood, Overseer." He turned and walked out the door, forgetting to close the door behind him. Rita walked up to the Overseer. "Lord Otto. Is he..." Otto nodded. "He watched Himeko die right in front of him. I am sure his Separation Anxiety is at work." Rita frowned. "But, he's broken. What use is he to us now?" Otto sat down and put a hand to his chin. "Durandal has been caring for him recently, haven't you noticed?" Rita raised an eyebrow, Otto chuckled. "It's odd to see you unaware of Durandal's activities." Rita grit her teeth. "What are you not telling me?" Otto picked up his glass of wine and took a sip. "A while ago, Perceval had a nightmare. He has them frequently." He swished the wine and held it to the light. "Durandal caught him in the middle of one, she slept in his bed and comforted him through it." Rita looked on in surprise. "And?" Otto took another sip and turned his chair to face her. "Durandal insists Perceval sleep in her room so she may help him be rid of his nightmares." Rita chuckled. "She always has never been able to leave someone alone who is suffering, that doesn't surprise me." Otto smiled. "Durandal will help Perceval overcome this stint of... Depression. As such, he will emerge as a stronger person." Rita looked worried. "But Overseer, his mind is fragile. As of now his mental state is..."

"Well, it would be easier to say that his mind is quite literally fractured."

9PM: Shicksal HQ

Perceval walked through the steel halls of the HQ, he didn't care where he ended up, he just felt like walking. His surroundings blurred past him, he paid it no mind and continued moving. Perceval sighed heavily.

'I did nothing.'

He walked faster, turning into the next hallway paying no attention to anything in his that moved past him.

'I let her die.'

Perceval felt himself bump into something, he shrugged it off and kept moving.

'Himeko died because of me.'

He walked into a door, Perceval sighed and opened the door.

'I lost Kiana, I lost Himeko.'

Perceval panted heavily and walked into a wall, he shook his head and continued on.

'It's my fault. I killed Himeko.'

He came to a steel door that he couldn't open, he turned around and started walking in his original direction.

'I couldn't keep my promise. What good am I?'

He growled and broke into a sprint.

'It's my fault.'

He ran.

Lights in a Starless Sky - A Honkai Impact 3rd Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن