Act 13: Himeko

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(A/N: Sorry for the later than usual release, school is back in session and I've been trying to balance my schoolwork with writing this story. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will be releasing chapters a bit later than I normally do. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

6PM: Lower Levels, Hyperion Battleship

The Hyperion was in full panic, staff rushed around frantically to keep the Battleship running. They didn't notice the red-haired Valkyrie sitting solemnly by the elevator, she looked down at the vial of serum in her hands, the bright blue liquid slushed around in the container as she swirled it in her hand. The glass reflected her tired, pale expression. Himeko felt sluggish, her fighting efforts to get out of Shicksal HQ had been detrimental on her body. The previous years of using the 'Scarlet Nexus' battlesuit had really made her body unable to completely use her new 'Vermillion Knight: Eclipse' battlesuit. Himeko had sustained several wounds and the battlesuit's intense nature had caused massive stress on her muscles, her body just wouldn't stop bleeding. She scoffed. "And to think I haven't found my special someone yet..." Himeko stood up slowly, her head felt groggy from the amount of blood she had lost. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Perceval walking up to her, hand on Thanatos in it scabbard. "Good to see you, Himeko." He smiled lightly, the teacher chuckled. "Good to see that you're still kicking, Perceval." The two looked solemnly at each other, the Knight spoke up. "Do you have the Honkai Neutralising Serum?" Himeko held up the prism shaped syringe filled with blue liquid. "This is it." She handed it over to Perceval, he held the cold steel and glass syringe in his hands. He turned it over and noticed the label. "No way..." It read: 'Designed in Shicksal OCE by: Jack A Magnes'. He chuckled. "Jack, you never cease to surprise me. Even after you're long gone." Himeko smiled. "He's done a lot more than you know, hasn't he?" Perceval handed the syringe back. "Yeah, it makes me happy knowing that his work is really helping our fight against the Honkai, even after he's passed." Himeko held the vial against her chest, then glanced over to the elevator. "Perceval. What if we're unable to save Kiana?" The Knight stared solemnly at Himeko. "I won't let that happen. We will save her." He looked up to the bland grey ceiling. "But if we do fail, this world will be in massive danger." Himeko frowned. "Then we won't fail." Perceval nodded. "We'll bring back Kiana. No matter the cost." They shook hands and made their way to the elevator, Perceval shuddered. "Alright." He pressed the button firmly, closing the doors with a metallic clang. As the elevator rose to the surface of the Hyperion, the two warriors stood in complete silence. Perceval observed Maria's necklace in his hands, he clutched the silver flower tightly. "I won't lose anyone again. Never again." He muttered to himself, his other hand gripped tightly on Thanatos. Himeko stared into the vial of Neutralisation Serum, her fingers wrapped tightly around the steel frame. "I promise, I will bring back Kiana." The alarm sounded, red alarm lights flooded the the battleship. The doors opened and the two rushed out to the deck, Perceval ignited Thanatos' blade and held the flat edge over his other arm. Himeko heaved her greatsword: 'Surtr' and held it in front of her. From out of the air, Sirin stepped down to the deck of the Hyperion. "Foolish. You beat me back once, now you think yourselves almighty." Himeko chuckled. "Sorry girl, that's not quite right." She levelled her sword at the Herrscher. "I'm here to take back my student's body, that's all." Perceval twirled his sword and held it behind his back. "You're outmatched. Herrscher or not, you stand no chance." Sirin cackled. "Insects! I am the Honkai! This world will bend to my will!" She raised her hand up high, forming a crackling sphere of Honkai Energy. It began to enlarge and before the warriors could move, it swallowed them up, bringing them into a small pocket dimension. Perceval glanced around, his surroundings seemed no different from before; He stood on the deck of the Hyperion, now made of some unknown substance. Himeko noticed pillars of crystal surrounding the area and the crashing of waves from below the battleship: the Sea of Quanta. Perceval snarled as he noticed the Queen of the Honkai descending a flight of stairs formed from Void Energy. "Welcome to the Imaginary Space, worms. There is no escape from this place, you will die here." Himeko levelled her blade and Perceval twisted Thanatos into a reverse grip, the teacher turned to face him. "Sirin is mine to fight, you stay here." Perceval shook his head. "Absolutely not! I'll fight with you. Remember, we promised we would bring Kiana back together." Himeko sighed heavily. "If you insist." She pet Perceval on the back and stepped forward, the Knight was about to walk forward when he felt a tugging sensation on his back. There was a turbojet attached to his jacket, he tried to run forward but was pulled back with insane force, causing him to drop Thanatos. Perceval thrashed as he was pulled into the air. "Himeko! You're insane, you can't fight her on your own!" He shouted before being pulled out of earshot, Himeko smiled lightly. "Sorry kiddo, this fight is mine alone." She reached down and picked up Thanatos in her other hand, Perceval snarled. "Himeko! You can't! You'll die!" The veteran Valkyrie lit Perceval's blade and kept it by her side, Perceval choked and screamed. "HIMEKO!

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