Act 16: Link

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6:30AM: Durandal's Room, Shicksal HQ

Perceval shivered, he was freezing cold. Durandal pulled the Knight closer, holding his head against her chest. She stroked his hair and smiled, the Knight turned over and slowly opened his eyes. "Morning, Bianka." The Valkyrie chuckled lightly. "Morning, Perceval." The Knight put his hands around Durandal's waist. "How are you feeling?" Durandal leaned her chin on his head. "Wonderful." Perceval smiled. "I'm glad... " He tapped her on the waist. "Please let me go... I'm suffocating in your..." The Knight stopped mid-sentence, Durandal blushed profusely and loosened her grip. Perceval shuffled upwards to Durandal's eye level, The Valkyrie turned her head away. "S-Sorry." Perceval smiled. "Don't apologise, Bianka." Durandal nodded. "Yeah... You're right." She leaned in and quickly pecked Perceval on the lips. "We should get up, we wouldn't want to keep Rita waiting." Perceval sat upright and stretched. "Yeah, good idea." Durandal pulled herself out from the sheets, she rested her hand on Perceval's bare shoulder. "Before we do... Would you like to shower with me?" Perceval chuckled lightly. "I'd love to."

Durandal turned the hot water on, causing steam to rise from the cold tiles. She stepped in under the small showerhead. "Come on." Perceval stepped in and found he was unable to fit under the showerhead, Durandal pulled him against her, allowing him to get under the hot water. She pressed herself against him, the Knight's heart started beating incredibly fast. Durandal frowned. "What's the matter?" Perceval looked into the Valkyrie's eyes. "I'm still getting used to being this close to a woman. Let alone, the woman I love so much." Durandal blushed and stared down at Perceval's chest. "I guess I'm the same then. Being like this with the man I adore is slightly unnerving." The Knight chuckled. "There's a first for everything." Durandal smiled and pressed her head against the side of Perceval's neck. "Yeah... There is." The Knight kissed her lightly on the head. "We should actually clean ourselves. We don't want to waste the water." The Valkyrie nodded and moved slightly away, she turned around and faced her back towards Perceval. "Can you... Wash my back please?" Perceval took the soap in his hand and nodded. "Yeah, sure." As Perceval ran his soap filled hands over Durandal's back, the Valkyrie shivered slightly. "Perceval, your hands are really cold..." The Knight chuckled lightly. "Really?" He brushed his fingers against the back of Durandal's neck, she gasped and moved forward. "KYAA! Perceval!" He laughed, Durandal smirked. "Alright then!" She took the soap and ran her fingers down Perceval's abs, he giggled. "H-Hey! That tickles!" The Valkyrie brought her hands to Perceval's ribs and tickled him. "Bianka! Pfft! HAHAHA! Stop it! I-I'm ticklish! HAHAHAHAHA!" Durandal chuckled. "Now you know what will happen when you tease me like that." Perceval exhaled heavily. "Hehe- Yeah... Hah." Durandal turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, she threw Perceval a towel. Perceval stepped out onto the bathmat and wrapped the towel around his head, Durandal smiled as she looked at Perceval. "Yes, Bianka?" she held his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. "I'm just really happy... Being with you makes me so happy." Perceval chuckled. "Likewise. I'm so grateful to have a wonderful person who loves me and one that I love back." Perceval leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll go get dressed." The Knight hung up his towel on the rack and walked out to the bedroom, Durandal turned to the mirror and gazed at her reflection. "Meeting him really has been the best thing to happen to me." She sighed dreamily as she ran the brush through her locks of hair, Perceval walked into the bathroom dressed in his 'Spirit of Ash' battlesuit. He hung up Durandal's 'Bright Knight: Excelsis' battlesuit on the clothing hanger next to her, Perceval laid her undergarments on the counter. The Knight extended his hand. "Might I?" Durandal passed off her hair brush to Perceval, he carefully ran the brush through her golden hair. "How do you keep all this hair in such perfect condition?" The Valkyrie chuckled. "A full bottle of shampoo." Perceval scoffed. "Surely that costs way too much to keep in check." Durandal laughed. "Yes. But I'm very proud of my hair, so I feel I can justify spending that money."  Perceval smiled. "I suppose you're right." The Valkyrie reached backwards and ruffled Perceval's hair. "You keep your hair very nice as well." She giggled lightly. "It's so luscious..." The Knight blushed lightly. "I like to think of my hair as a distinguishing feature. Most of my friends had rather short haircuts, I stood out by having neck length hair." Durandal turned around and stroked Perceval's cheek. "Distinguishing feature? No. Your distinguishing feature is your heart." She leaned forward, coming only inches away from his face. "You've suffered so much and yet, you're still so kind to everyone." She leaned her forehead again his. "That's the part of you that I love the most." The Valkyrie placed her lips on his, Perceval leaned into the kiss and placed his hands on her hips. They broke away and stared at each other, the Knight smiled. "Thank you... Thank you, Bianka..." Durandal leaned onto Perceval's shoulder. "No need. I'm just saying what needs to be said." 

Lights in a Starless Sky - A Honkai Impact 3rd FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now