54. Possession

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It's the middle of April now, spring break is over already. James, Albus, and Lilly are all very well trained now. Each of them can produce a patronus, preform expelliarmus and reducto, and all kinds of other spells that will protect them.
Alli and I have been spending a lot of time together in the library, both of us have somehow fallen behind in classes. Much to Daniel and Desmond's dismay, we've dedicated this Saturday to studying as well. While Alli and I quiz each other back and forth Desmond and Daniel throw a little version of a quaffel back and forth over our heads.
"Why aren't you on the Gryffindor quidditch team?" Daniel asks Desmond.
"Too barbaric," Desmond says smirking.
"Okay, you two need to go outside before I turn that ball into ash," I tell them.
"And you two need a study break," Daniel says.
"Seriously, can't you two just wait outside? The sooner you let us get this quiz done, the sooner we can take a break," Alli says in an agitated tone.
"Okay fine!" Desmond kisses her then looks into her eyes. "Be easy on yourself okay? You're brilliant, you'll be okay," he tells her. My heart swells for them.
Daniel gives me a sweet kiss then the guys head outside. "You two are so cute it's ridiculous," I tell her. She laughs before we go back to studying.

A few hours later, Alli and I have worn ourselves out. We part ways to go find our guys, both of us too tired to even say see you later. As I walk alone through the halls I feel like someone is watching me. I turn quickly to look behind me but nobody is there. A small whisper in my head begins chattering. I shake my head but the whispering only gets louder.
Ellie... I see what you see. I live where you live. I am part of you now...
I begin to claw at my ears, my throat, my head. I try to do everything I can to get it out of my head. To get her out of my head. I let out a small whimper when the whispers start back up, even louder. Telling me I'm weak, I belong to her, I'll never be able to get her out of my head. I throw myself against the wall, screaming for it to stop. James finds me against the wall, clawing furiously at my ears.
"Ellie! Hey! Hey, stop Ellie!" He pulls my hands down to my side. My throat and ears and face are all bleeding, scratched up from my nails. "Ellie it's me, it's James," he says when I try to break free from him. "Ellie. Please stop! You're hurting yourself. Ellie, it's me James!"
Suddenly the whispers stop. Daniel comes around the corner and grabs my mutilated face in his hands. Words won't escape my mouth, I'm burning too badly, hurting too much. Daniel picks me up bridal style and calmly carries me to the infirmary. I see the fear in his eyes. The horror and the torment. James walks with us, never taking his eyes off of me.

I wake up in the infirmary. Again. This time Daniel is holding my hand, his head resting beside me. I feel weird. Like a part of me was pulled out.
"Daniel?" I say, my throat dry and cracking.
He jumps up, alert and nervous. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Water? Food?"
"Water," I say.
"Okay I'll be right back." He runs off and I notice James on my other side. He gives me a small, sad smile. "Here's some water." Daniel puts the cup in my hands and fills it with his wand every time I finish it.
"Thanks," I say in more of a normal voice. My eyes feel heavy. "What happened?" I ask them. They both look at each other, then at me.
"We don't really know. We just found you all scratched up and screaming. Do you remember anything before we got to you?" Daniel asks me, his hands gently cupping mine.
"Delphini," I say. Her name sends shivers up my spine. "Her voice was in my head. It wouldn't stop."
"What did she say?" James asks, scooting a bit closer now.
"She said she sees what I see and lives where I live. That I'm weak, that she's a part of me now. That I belong to her," I choke out, not realizing there are tears streaming down my face.
The door slams open loudly, Mcgonagall coming in quickly. Behind her are my parents and Professor Bell. My mom is shaking, running to me. James and Daniel step away from me to my dismay. Mom holds me close to her chest, sobbing.
"She needs to start now. You taught James you should teach her too," Mcgonagall says to Professor Bell.
"I know. I should've done this sooner," she says.
"Done what?" I ask. I'm ignored.
"You four might want to leave the room, we'll have to cleanse her mind before I can begin teaching her," Professor Bell says to my family, James, and Daniel.
"With all due respect, I'm not leaving Ellie," Daniel says.
"The cleansing might be painful, Daniel she might scream and lash out in pain," my dad insists.
"If she's going to be in pain I'm definitely not leaving her. I'm staying by her side." Daniel's tone is final. Not even my dad argues with him. James gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"What's happening?" I ask him, my eyes filled with tears.
"You're going to be okay," James whispers back. "I love you, Ellie." He leaves the room with my mom and dad, all three unable to look at me and Daniel.
"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I look from Mcgonagall to Professor Bell to Daniel.
"Delphini is in your mind, she's attached herself to you. We can cleanse her out but it might be painful, Ellie. Then you'll need to learn occlumency. Officially learn it." I feel Daniel squeeze my hand.
Professor Bell gives no warning. She points her wand to my head and says a spell I don't recognize. Suddenly my head is in burning pain. I scream so loud my throat feels sore. She says it again and Mcgonagall and Daniel have to hold down my arms as I thrash. My brain feels as if it's being pulled apart, something is being ripped off of it. One more time she repeats the spell. My throat feels shredded from screaming, my mind feels numb. Daniel pulls me in, holding me tightly. I feel tears running down his chin.
I get a glimpse of my sweet boy. He's sobbing. I realize I can hardly hear anything but a ringing in my ears. My eyes flutter shut and I relax my body. I feel alone in my mind again. I have no idea how long she was in there but it feels good to have her out. I fall asleep with Daniel holding me.

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