Chapter 22

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Stiles' POV

The ride was soon complete as Alec parked outside the institute. My breath hitched as I glance up at the old looking building. It looks even more ominous in the dark, surrounded by fog and only slightly illuminated by the moon and stars that had replaced the sun.

Alec undoubtedly noticed my hesitation. Probably has something to do with the fact that he's on his way to the front door and I'm still strapped safely in Roscoe.

Upon noticing this, Alec sighed, lightly shaking his head and walked back to the car and got in, closing the door behind him.

It was quiet for a few minutes and it was the most blissful silence I'd ever experienced. To be here in Roscoe, with Alec, looking up at the stars through the clean windshield after the best date of my life. Even if Derek did show up uninvited.

"I agree." Alec says contently whilst looking up at the stars.

"Even though I know those thoughts weren't meant to be said out loud for me to hear, I agree." And that was the moment my heart officially melted.

They say that realising you're in love with someone takes time and it will slowly come to you. But for me it somehow just all came crashing down in that one, perfect moment.

Alec turned to me and he looked breathtaking. The moons light reflected onto the side of his perfectly sculptured face, his raven black hair effortlessly lay flawless on the top of his head and - even though he was no longer looking at the stars but at me - I swear I saw a sparkle in them.

"We can stay out here as long as you want" he says calmly, not taking his eyes off mine.

"I will wait, and when you're ready, we can walk in... together" he spoke so softly as though he were afraid to ruin the moment. It was such a surreal moment as I realised, I wasn't talking to Alec the shadowhunter but just Alec.

He smiled before turning back to look at the stars. I don't deserve him. I might not be able to tell him the whole truth about me, I simply couldn't imagine the look on his face when he realised he'd been spending time with such a  trainwreck, but I can shed a tiny bit of light into my life to make Alec feel at ease.

We both sat in peace, staring up at the sky and I began to speak.

"There was this place in Beacon Hills. It was a large, dark building. Surrounded by a large fence, located on the outskirts of town. Similar to here,"

I gestured towards the institute and refocused my eyes up at the stars, afraid of looking at Alec whilst fighting back any stray tears.

"It was also an institution. But for the mentally impaired. Basically, it was a nut house. I was admitted for insomnia and other sleep related issues. The other residents weren't very friendly. The staff were worse. They'd abuse their power and would use violence, and these horrible electric batons, to get their way. Even if we were complying."

I take a deep breath and dare to peek a look at Alec who was already facing me, fully focused on me and nothing else.

"That's not all, is it?" He asked carefully.

I shook my head and looked back to the stars before I continued,

"My time in that hell hole was short-lived, thankfully. However, a very close friend of mine went through a traumatic experience. So traumatic that the effect on her was so severe it left her brain dead. Practically comatose. She was sent to Eichen."

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