Chapter 19

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Stiles' POV

As I reach the end of the ally way and am about to cross the busy street to the hotel I've been occupying for the past couple of nights, the feeling of being watched intensifies and I quickly change my original route to the hotel by turning left and walking against the heavy current of people.

It was a bit of a rational decision, I'm weaving my way through hundreds of sweaty strangers in unreal weather conditions (In the space of minutes the temperature has risen dramatically). However, I'm just gonna have to suck it up and keep moving until I know for sure that no one is following me. I can't go back to the hotel, I have to lure whoever it is as far away as possible because that's where I'm keeping the cup.

I keep moving forward, dodging all passing bodies as much as possible and receiving a few glares for being so problematic for going against the current.

I turn my head back in hopes to see who it is that could be following me and am surprised to see the culprit. The tall man, with bright blue eyes and raven black hair (The one who I had seen walk past the cafe, arguing with a brunette girl), was watching me intensely as he too weaved through the crowd towards me. It honestly didn't take me long to spot him, he stands out like a sore thumb, or.. hot thumb?... anyway, he didn't just stand out because he was the only one, besides me, to be walking in this direction as everyone else shoved by, he also stood out because he was so tall and intimidating looking. Certainly raising a few red flags in my anxiety-filled brain.

His ever-nearing intimidating figure and fiery stare inspires me to whip my head back forwards and start walking as fast as I possibly can through the hundreds of civilians.

After a minute or ten of exhausting dodging and barging, I look back to see if I've lost tall, dark and handsome but am disappointed to still see him still following me with the same stare and blank expression, although I am glad to see I've created a bit of distance between us.

I turn back around and travel through the crowd faster until I come to a turn off which leaves me with an option to be made quickly. I can either continue on my path of sweaty strangers or I could turn left into the open park and run to the bushes and hide, in hopes he doesn't see me.

I decide to go with the latter.

I quickly duck into the park in hopes my stalker didn't see my abrupt attempt at escape. I run with as much speed as I could muster and dive, head first into the bushes. I quickly adjust my position into a crouching one and wait until I'm completely satisfied that the bush covers my whole body until I timidly peek my head over the top in hopes of not seeing Mr Creepy.

I make out his figure continuing on with the path and not taking the turn into the park, I watch him carefully until he's finally out of sight. I collapse onto the ground with a loud huff of relief. At least the bushes also block out the sun so it's nice and cool.

After catching my breath, settling my nerves and controlling my adrenaline levels, I check if the coast is clear one last time before climbing out from behind the bush and dusting myself off.

I begin walking towards the pavement once more but this time I join the main flow of people and walk back the way I came, hoping to come across the hotel. It's still majorly hot out and I know I've just been to a cafe and had drinks with Sam and Dean but with all this exercising in scorching hot weather has got me very dehydrated and tired. I stop and turn to cross the busy road, noticing my hotel straight away. I cross with ease and make it into the hotel, I send a quick wave to the worker behind the main desk before speed walking to the elevators.

Once I make it to my floor I bring out the keycard for my room and start walking down the long hallway. Of course, my room had to be the one at the very end of the hall. I reach my room and swipe my key card, gaining access. I walk in and quickly shut the door, still feeling slightly shook up by the whole being chased ordeal. I kick my shoes off and belly flop onto the comfy bed. I think about why that man was following me and who he could've been.

I stay like that for a few moments, pondering. Until I unwillingly remove myself from the comfortable bed and head towards the mini fridge where the bottles of water are kept. I grab a random bottle, not caring for the brand or price, and chug the whole thing down in record breaking speed. I try to chuck the empty bottle in the bin but I'm distracted by my phone buzzing in my pocket and I completely miss. I huff in annoyance, not bothering to pick it up as I reach in my pocket and bring out my phone.

2 new messages from Alec LITwood  🔥 🔥 🔥

I quietly laugh to myself, completely forgetting that I changed his contact name to that.

I tap the text notification.

Hey Stiles, the clave have loosened their handle of the institute but aren't completely trusting us yet. However, the gang and I would prefer if you and the cup came back. Lucas has been cleared of all charges and is out of prison, he's eager to see you as is Simon and Clary. I have done what you asked me to and your jeep is now 100% clean.

I move onto the follow-up text and couldn't help but smile.

And, PLEASE. Come back in one piece.

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