.-. I wanna hear your guys' voices .-.

436 13 6

Request: No
Mcyt: Dream Team
Type: Fluff
Ages: Irl ages but George is 22
AU: Irl

A/N: This is Dreamnotnap. I love the poly ship. I just like...randomly got the idea while watching Ranboo's Buzzfeed Unsolved VOD. I don't know much about how hearing tests and cochlear implants work so if I get something wrong, shout at me to fix it. I don't have much else to say other than enjoy :)


*third person*
In Dream, George and Sapnap's polyamorous relationship, it was a known thing that George was born hard of hearing in both ears. Growing up, George didn't have enough money to get cochlear implants so he always stuck with ASL and reading lips.

George was happy that he was blessed with such amazing, accepting and gorgeous boyfriends. They were willing to fully learn ASL just to communicate with him and always made sure he was happy and not uncomfortable in any given situation.

He was told from Sapnap what Dream's voice sounded like to him. Sapnap said that Dream's voice sounds like the ocean. The waves that rush towards the shore, getting your feet wet if your close enough.

Dream told him that Sapnap's voice sounds like the feeling you get in your chest when your laughing with your friends. When you feel so happy and content that you never want to leave the moment.

When George learned about streaming, he felt uneasy about it. Being deaf and not knowing how loud or quiet he was talking would be difficult. But both his boyfriends had good careers with it. So, he gave it a try.

And he is so glad he did.

He found a way to make it work, plus with an accepting community of people who love his content made it much more enjoyable. It made him feel like he wasn't deaf for once.

After years of streaming and making money, he had enough for cochlear implants. When Dream and Sapnap ran into his office one day, basically jumping up and down, barely able to sign to him, he knew right away his life would change.

George would constantly rant about how he wanted to hear their voices, to hear them like they described them. Both boys felt so bad they couldn't grant his dream immediately.

But with time, they could.

time for george to get his life long dream

*sign language will be in italics*

"Are you ready George?" Dream said, looking at his short boyfriend. He got a nod in reply and looked to his other boyfriend, Sapnap.

"You ready?"

"I'm ecstatic! This is so exciting!"

And with that, they hopped in the car and drove to the otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat doctor).

*insert car noises*

They arrived at their destination, Sapnap and Dream barely able to sit in their seats properly.

"You guys need to calm down!" George scolded, getting childlike groans in reply.

"But Georgie! You get to hear us how could we not be excited?!"

"I don't know! Just...calm yourself before we go in."

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