.-. Valentine's Day - The day of (almost forgotten) love .-.

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Request: Yes!!
Mcyt: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Quackity
Type: Angsty but goes to fluff :))
Ages: Sap: 22 | Karl & Q: 23
AU: Minecraft 🤩

A/N: This technically is a request and it is by the wonderful @lexist_congrats from my announcements. I love this idea you've come up with so it can be both and I don't have to choose lmaoo anyway enjoy <3 AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!

TW: mentions of getting sick w/ no description


*third person*
Karl woke up with a smile on his face. That's literally, by the way, not figuratively.

The only issue was that he didn't know why he was so happy.

Maybe he had a good dream - he could never really remember those at all anymore - or possibly he had plans that his body was remembering but not his brain?

It doesn't add up, but he couldn't think of anything else.

Sitting up without wasting a second, Karl bolted up and ran to the bathroom. He made a ruckus on his way there, unaware that he had disturbed his other sleeping roommate.

He proceeded to get ready - shower, dry his hair and fluff it up to his iconic style, get dressed, brush his teeth and wash his face.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he smiled. He was happy with today.

It had just started, but everything was going right.

*sapnap's pov*
I got startled awake by a giant thump and pounding footsteps. At first, I thought it might've been Quackity, but I remembered he said he would come over later today to celebrate Valentine's Day with myself and Karl.


Getting up slowly, as I was still tired, I made my way over to his bedroom door. Only then did I realize the possibilities on how he might've gotten to - assuming it was - the bathroom so fast.

One, he fell and got up really aggressively. Quackity did it sometimes, and we did like to mock him for it.

Or two, he was sick. Throw up sick.

That one made the most sense because usually we only mocked Quackity when he was with and near us.

I knocked on the bedroom door. "Karl?!" I called out, not noticing how panicked I must've sounded.

I heard his small padded feet come to the door, before he opened it. He looked confused and I immediately recognized the look in his eyes.

He couldn't remember me.

"W-who are you? Why- why are-"

"Sh, sh, Karl," I said calmly, ignoring how bad my heart was hurting. "It's me, your boyfriend."

He furrowed his eyebrows more, eyes scanning my - very messy from sleep - figure.

This has happened many many times before where he didn't remember me and we had to look through photos and videos until he remembered.

Sometimes it took only twenty minutes, other times it took hours - once it took four months.

Four months to remember the first year of our relationship. One year out of three.

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