A/N: It's been a year (5)

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So, my first chapter "Cuddles" was posted exactly a year and two days ago.

I'm not sure when it was actually posted but it was updated on October 30th, 2020 which was two days ago cause it's November 1st (Happy birthday Gogy). I'll just say that it's my "anniversary" anyways.

I'm late, oops.

There's so much I want to say in such little time bc I have to go to school soon-

Anyways, I'm going to thank some people because I didn't do this alone like I thought I would be.

Firstly, my irl friends Kelli, Taylor and Peyton. You guys gave me ideas for a stupid upcoming book and are honestly my best friends. It's my fault I roped you guys into the world of Dream SMP but I wouldn't change a thing because it made us, us. So thank you <3 (see you in a few hours)

Also, Ash_Exists , Fanta321123 , EHHHHHHITY and shewholived

Ash you are one of the sweetest people ever. You first replied to one of my big ass rants that honestly no one needed to look at, and you replied with support. I did cry at your reply, honestly. You are also quite funny if I do say so myself. And you've helped me out with figuring out my sexuality in ways you didn't realize you did. Love you <3 (/p)

Honestly Fanta, where do I even begin. You gave me a chance to talk to someone with DID so I could learn. I never thought I'd get the chance to, so thank you. You're letting me continue a book of yours, so thank you again. You're super kind and always carrying around some type of support wherever you go. Love you <3 (/p)

EH I wanted to start off saying that I see your replies to people in my announcements. You giving other people advice and trying to help makes my day. It's so sweet to see and keep doing it. The advice is really good, too :) Love you <3 (/p)

And lastly, the one and only majesty wholived lmao. You let me rant privately, which not a lot of people let others do, especially people they don't know. You're always there and I don't feel bad when needing to talk to you. Love you <3 (/p)

All of you guys are so amazing and I couldn't have asked for better people. My followers as well, all 73 of you, I appreciate you all! I never thought I'd even get passed 15 followers let alone a few over 70.

All your comments, votes and replies to my dumb announcements makes me so happy. I love chatting with you guys so don't stop!

I have to go because I'm currently in school but thank you for this amazing year of writing.

Also, a quick thank you to Golden_Butt3rfly and -InstrumentalBreak- for inspiring me to write and publish my own book :)

-Starby (Phaser) <33

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