.-. Until I remember they love me .-.

267 9 17

Request: Yeahhhh
Mcyt: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Quackity and Wilbur Soot (mention of Jschlatt)
Type: Angst/fluff
Ages: I've given up with ages lmao but irl ages
AU: Irl

A/N: Tysm @Bre_Eliza for suggesting this. It's getting me off my ass lol. I hope you don't mind that I made it a fluff ending, I couldn't end it with angst at all lmao. Uh there isn't much to say here other than enjoy :)

TW: mentions of drugs and bad alcohol usage


*quackity's pov*
I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

When I joined the polyamorous relationship four months ago, I was positive it was the best thing I could've ever done. Sapnap and Karl are the best.

I was a bit off about joining the relationship because it feels like I'm constantly barging into what they started.

My previous relationship with Schlatt was horrible. He treated me wrong and was constantly stuffing his nose in drugs and basically replaced water with alcohol.

Besides that, I was healing.

They showered me in love and everything good you could imagine. They asked for consent and respected my boundaries. They still do of course, but they're starting to seem....distant.

Whenever they go out, they barely ask me if I want to go anymore. What we claimed as 'triple night' is now just 'Sapnap and Karl cuddle and watch a movie.'

I wake up alone because they get up before me and get out of the house before I go downstairs. It's starting to seem as if they're purposely ignoring me.

I'm probably being overly paranoid. It could easily be one of those incidents where the other person/people in the relationship are going out to surprise their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Or maybe it's not that.

But I can't help but feel jealous.

Jealous that they are doing what I've always craved to have in a relationship.

I got it for a while. The hand holding, kisses, cuddling, hugs, silly slow dancing in the kitchen, having main character moments in the rain with music at weird times.

Now I'm staring as they do that and I wonder if I was ever good enough.

i am so sorry but it gets better: quackity's pov

I woke up with a groan, the light from the curtains blinding me. I covered my face with my hands, trying to block it out.

I stayed like that for a while, before I yawned and sat up. I looked at the time and it read 10:30am. I hummed.

'They are probably watching TV or left to go shopping. Again.' I thought, rolling my eyes.

Neither of them were next to me in bed because I decided to start sleeping in the guest bedroom. They both didn't notice.

I got up, stretching, before opening the door and walking down the stairs to the main area of the house.

Like I thought, it was empty. I felt my eyes water, quickly wiping my face. I wasn't going to cry over this.

I went to the kitchen, seeing yesterday's dinner that I never ate sitting there with plastic wrap covering it.

'At least they remembered my dinner plate..' I thought sarcastically, sighing and shutting the fridge door.

I decided to grab a cup and fill it with water. I sat on the counter as I drank it, listening to the trees outside rustle around because of the soft breeze. It looked so nice outside. I hope they're enjoying it.

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