A/N: My decision (9)

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Hey! I just wanted to take some time since my last A/N here to think about everything I talked about. Now, there's a few things I want to talk about and also share my decision on what I'm going to do with my writing.

My last A/N:
My last author's note where I addressed everything, I was incredibly angry, and a lot of what I said was written from the emotional side of me.

I don't support Wilbur, I never will, and I want to make that clear. In the comments, I was quite argumentative. I want to say sorry for that, as I feel like I came off as aggressive, and that wasn't my intention. I was upset, emotional, and was all over the place with trying to find my words to respond to comments - which I believe made me come off even more aggressive.

I do still stand with everything I said. I just didn't mean to be so argumentative and emotional, for lack of a better word.

What I'm going to do with my writing:
I've decided I'm not going to go back and change all my writing to remove him. At least not now. I believe it's just a waste of time. You know I don't support him, and I feel like it'll change the story too much if he doesn't show up, and it'll be work to choose someone to replace him with that fits the story well.

My writing in the future will not include him. Even if it is his canon character or his persona, it still makes me personally uncomfortable to write about him, so I won't. I will keep old writing featuring him up though.

So that's all, I just wanted to address that and let you know. In the future I might remove him if I feel like it, or I might never touch the writing and he'll remain in it.

Thanks for reading :) I'm planning on writing more this year, as my writing class has inspired me a little bit lol

So... expect one shots this year??? Maybe??? 😁

-Starby (Phaser) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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