.-. Support from the Blade .-.

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Request: No
Mcyt: Techno, Dream, George, Sapnap, Bad (mention of Tommy, Philza, Wilbur and Krinios)
Type: Fluff
Ages: All irl
AU: Minecraft

A/N: MCC All-Stars was today so here's a chapter on that. At the end is an explanation on specifically why I made this lmao. Enjoy, I'm in pain now-


Dream, George, Sapnap and Badboyhalo were getting ready to compete in the final event; Dodgebolt. They were going to be up against Yellow Yaks which consisted of Quig, Seepeekay, Shubble and Smajor.

Dream and Bad were relatively calm somehow, while George and Sapnap were freaking the fuck out on the inside.

"Hey, dude you're going to do great okay?" Dream said to Sapnap while making sure he had his bow.

"I know but I can't help but be nervous before Dodgebolt. It's scary as shit!"

"Language!" Bad said, walking up to the others with George running to catch up.

Suddenly they were teleported onto the platform, Yellow Yaks in front of them. There were glass boxes around them so they couldn't move until the timer started.

"Everyone on their team is good!" Sapnap said.

"Everyone on their team is good- everyone is good at Dodgebolt and shooting." Dream agreed, adjusting his green sweater.

"This is actually scary!" Sapnap said, almost sounding like he was going to start whining.

Dream looked over at his teammates, "This is scary. This is going to be tough. Let's do it guys!" He said with a smile.

"Let's do the best we can!" Bad said enthusiastically. Man were they glad to have Bad on their team with his encouraging words.

Yellow Yaks were talking in their own VC, strategizing and maybe telling jokes as they kept chuckling everyone once and a while. Chat was exploding with who they were rooting for. Sapnap gulped, suddenly feeling even more worried and nervous than before.

Dream's words brought him out of his thoughts.

"Guys remember we make them shoot first. Do not go for the arrow." He said.

Sapnap smirked at him in a teasing way, "I might grab it after a while."

Dream rolled his eyes and waited for the match to start. Everyone made sure to breathe and make sure that they had everything. This was going to be fine. All they can do is try their best - just like Bad said.

(I am taking actual dialogue from a clip of this MCC so you're welcome for the accuracy <3)

Suddenly after them joking about grabbing the arrow and not doing as Dream said, there was a certain text in chat that got Sapnap's attention.


Sapnap smiled as he spammed 'TECHNO' multiple times in chat back.

"Technoblade! Technoooo!!" Sapnap said, making his voice high pitched.

"Yeah!" Dream said, laughing, "He said 'go Sapnap carry those noobs'."

Bad and George both chuckled and they cheered a bit, pounding on the glass boxes when they saw Techno waving in their direction.

A timer started counting down from twenty seconds, everyone calming down the best they could as they waited for the game to begin.

this should be fun to type :)

They all started jumping around, trying to dodge the arrows they didn't grab, just like Dream had said. Smajor (I think it was him first round) aimed at George, but missed the shot as George twisted to the side. He sighed in relief.

Dream SMP one shots (+ others)Where stories live. Discover now