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*Undying feelings*

After what happened yesterday none of the two decided to bring up what happened, The  female staying silent avoiding contact with the lilac haired male. While Mitsuya who listened to her cry yesterday tried not to mention anything of what happened.

And now they were inside the same office since they were paired by their boss working on new designs for their company, The room was suffocating and in any moment they felt like they were running out of breath.

The room was filled with tension that was suffocating the two tailors as no one dared to speak, Unlike the days they would bicker and argue all day annoying the other fashion designers in the other room, Today was different not a single word came out of their mouths The only thing that could be heard was the sewing machine and the trees leaves outside their window.

Confusing their co workers that usually heard every bit of their bickering they were surprised when the room beside them was silent not even a single yell or complain was heard inside the office.

Sitting on your desk you pout at the drawing thinking what's missing on the sketch when in reality you just couldn't talk to the male across the room who was on his laptop, Erasing a few times on the sketch pad she sighs.

Covering yourself with your sketch pad you peek from it looking at the lilac haired male biting your bottom lip hesitating on speaking first sucking in your breath you slowly bended down hiding on the table you silently try to exit the office.

When suddenly Kaede barged in the room slamming the door open startling the both of you, Falling down from your chair Catching mitsuya's attention when he heard a thud on your table.

Chair spinning as the female sitting there disappeared head quickly popping out of under the table glaring at the blonde on the door "Y/n!" She exclaimed "Woah.... This place suddenly feels so... intense....." She mumbles hurriedly walking to you sitting on top of your table looking down from under the table.

"What are you doing there?.." She raised a brow tilting her head and you glared at her "It's none of your business...." You said furrowing your brows at the blonde as she tries to hold in her laughter.

"So? What happened yesterday with your father?" She blurted out and your eyes widen scratching the side of your head, making mitsuya look at you with a frown laughing awkwardly you turn your head taking a glance at the lilac haired male on the the other side.

His gaze now on his laptop, Gulping down your saliva you look up at the blonde with a frown "That's none of your business ok?" You exclaimed and she rolled her eyes "What do you mean? I saw you running after him yesterday.." She stated and you look back at the male.

Brows knitted you bit your bottom lip "Something going on between you two?..." She asks and you turn to her (e/c) eyes widening "H-heh?" Lips pouting as she looks at you suspiciously.

"You two are never this quiet.." She added and you laughed nervously "W-what are you talking about?....." You stuttered and she deadpan "There's never a day you two aren't arguing." She exclaimed and you huffed.

"Nani? What nonsense are you saying?..." You said crossing your arms not even gatting up from the ground acting all mighty in front of the blonde "Oh please stop acting like there isn't something going on." She says and you scoffed.

Sewing Machine|| Takashi M.Where stories live. Discover now