Part sixteen

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Word count (1248)

The Christmas party was going smoothly. After the guests arrived, me and Gilbert played our song. Once it finished I stayed at the piano and played a few more while Gilbert went to join his friends.

I knew my aunt had invited the town, but from what I could see, there were people I had never seen before in the mix as well. Probably from Charlottetown.

"Oh y/n! The music was beautiful!" My aunt said as I made my way toward her.

I kissed her cheek, "thank you auntie, how many people did you invite?"

She smiled and laughed lightly, "I may have invited some old friends as well." I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed a glass of some sparkling juice my aunt insisted on having.

I walked around the large room to scope out my friends. I found them near the fireplace with the rest of my school mates.

"Y/n!" Anne called and waved me over.

Everyone was chatting happily at the fire, Cole, Anne and Diana were squished onto the loveseat while the rest stood around.

"Hi everyone! Thank you for coming!"

"Y/n, who are those people?" Tilly asked, side eyeing the guests.

I shook my head a bit "honestly, I have no idea. My aunt knows way too many people."

We continued talking for a bit when someone I didn't recognize interrupted.

"Excuse me, are you miss l/n?" A boy with sandy blonde hair and very expensive looking clothes said.

"Yes, that would be me. And you are?"

He smiled brightly and took my hand, kissing it lightly. "My name is Henry Baker, it's a pleasure to meet you."

I pulled my hand away quickly and gave a tight smile back. "Nice to meet you Mr. Baker."

A hand wrapped around my forearm as Gilbert came into my peripheral. "Y/n, who's this?"

I looked over to him, but before I could speak Henry started.

"Henry Baker." He held out his hand.

Gilbert looked at it but didn't take it. "Gilbert Blythe."

Henry smiled once more and lowered his hand.

"I hope to see you again miss, it was lovely meeting you."

None of us spoke for a minute, trying to take in what had just happened.

"I know him, when I lived with aunt Jo in Charlottetown, Henry and his family had just moved there. Apparently they are from New York. And they're very rich." Cole said.

We all looked over at him.

"And it may also be my fault he knows your name. We went to the same school briefly."

I smiled at him, "it's alright Cole."

Gilbert pulled on my arm and guided me towards the music that was playing.

"I'm not sure how I feel about Henry."

I looked at our hands as we got into line for the dance.

"Don't worry Gil, he seems annoying if I'm being honest."

He smiled as I crossed over to be in front of him.

The dance continued and I didn't notice Gilbert had been switched out with someone until I heard Henry's voice.

"Miss l/n, I guess we're partners now?"

I rose an eyebrow as I reluctantly took his hand. I searched around for Gilbert to find him with Rachel Lynde, he looked equally as uncomfortable so I couldn't help but grin a little.

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now