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it is humid as hell here in texas. someone come pour an entire bucket of water on me pls

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: minimal swearing, mentions of overdose, mentions of death, mentions of needles
word count: 3200

Y/n rolled over in bed and saw a cluster of brunette hair. She picked her head up and smiled as she saw Lauren there. The younger woman wrapped her arms protectively around Lauren. Y/n sighed as she relaxed into Lauren's body.

Lauren was wide awake. She didn't want to move as Y/n pulled her closer. She needed a break from the woman. Her entire body was aching from the night before.

"You really have to work on containing your thoughts. They're extremely loud," Y/n mumbled and nuzzled her face deeper into Lauren's neck. Lauren placed her hand on the back of Y/n's head and pulled her closer.

"I'm sorry. There's just a lot to think about," Lauren said and smiled softly. Y/n inhaled deeply before shifting to sit up. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to grab us some coffee. If you want to talk, I'm going to need some caffeine in me," Y/n said and ran her hands down her face. Lauren's hand subconsciously went up and caressed the woman's back. From this angle, you could see the scars hiding underneath the woman's many tattoos. The thought of what she was going to say to Y/n completely vanished the second she touched her. "You alright back there?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry I just really like to look at your tattoos," Lauren said and smiled widely. Y/n turned to look at Lauren. The woman's hand went to the side of Lauren's neck.

"You should get another one," Y/n said as her eyes raked over Lauren's face. The brunette woman chuckled and took Y/n's hand off of her. "I'm being serious, Lauren."

"Alright. What would I get?" Lauren asked and squinted her eyes. Y/n smirked and turned to lay over Lauren.

"Have you noticed that ever single person who works closely to the business has a sword tattoo?" Y/n asked and tilted her head. Lauren raised her eyebrows. She never thought about that.

"I wasn't necessarily paying attention to anyone else's tattoos besides yours," Lauren said truthfully. Y/n smirked as she hovered over Lauren.

"Get one," Y/n said softly. Her hand came up and cupped the side of Lauren's face. "So that way it's official."

"What's official," Lauren asked and tilted her head. Y/n smiled softly.

"That you're one of us," Y/n said and leaned down, kissing Lauren's neck softly. The brunette woman's eyes landed on the ceiling. Now she had to get the tattoo. If she didn't, it'd raise some questions.

"Where do you want me to get it?" Lauren asked and pulled Y/n's head back to look at her. The woman's eyes trailed her entire body. "Where does everyone else have it?"

"Luca has it on his back. Liam has it on his arm. Patrick got it on the back of his neck. Adam has it on his inner wrist. And Oscar has it on his leg," Y/n said and settled herself in between Lauren's legs. Lauren hand went up and scratched at the back of Y/n's neck.

"And what about you? Where do you have it?" Lauren asked and locked eyes with Y/n. The woman rested her chin against Lauren's stomach.

"I have the full portrait of Bellona on my back. I don't need a sword," Y/n said and smiled softly. "I'd love to see what it looks like on the side of your neck. Or maybe somewhere only I can see it."

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