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so i realized i just hit 1.4k followers on tiktok???? what😃 if you follow me on there i give you a thousand virtual kisses☺️

also not proofread! since salem has a lot to do before i cry for rest of this week ahahah🤩

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: minimal swearing, mentions of violence, jealousy, death threats!
word count: 3550

"Come on, Luca," Y/n shouted as she and the man circled each other. They were outside with a cushioned mat. Both had their hands up in boxing gloves, geared with mouth and face guards.

The man swung and tried to hit Y/n but she blocked it. The woman in turn, kneed him in the stomach before hitting him right in the jaw. He tried to hit her again when Y/n's punch sent him to the ground. The woman watched as he tapped the mat three times and just laid there panting.

"I'm done," Luca said once he took out his mouth guard. The woman chuckled as she took off her gloves.

Lauren watched them from her balcony. Y/n helped him up as he groaned in pain. The woman chuckled as she patted his shoulder. She bit the tip of her fingernail as she sat back and watched the woman. Her tattoo was showing a bit more now that she was just in a tank top. Her eyes raked over the woman as she took off her boxing gear.

She was a sight to see.

Y/n had felt a pair of eyes on her and turned to see Lauren look down at her. Luca noticed as well and didn't say anything as he left. The woman happily made her way towards Lauren's balcony.

"Like something you see?" Y/n asked and placed her hands on her hips. Lauren smirked.

"Maybe. Maybe not," Lauren said and tilted her head. Y/n smiled widely as she ran a hand over her mouth. "You're a good fighter."

"I'm the best actually," Y/n corrected and smiled proudly. Lauren raised an eyebrow as she bent over the railing.

"Is that so?" Lauren asked and shamelessly traveled her eyes all over Y/n. The woman noticed and smirked as she nodded. "Well, I'd like to take you up on that."

"No," Y/n said and shook her head.

"And why not? I thought you were the best?" Lauren taunted and crossed her arms. "What's stopping you?"

Y/n ran her hands down her leggings and just shook her head. Her eyes fell to her shoes before going back to Lauren.

"I'm having breakfast right now. Would you like to join me?" Y/n asked and gestured towards the doors. Lauren raised both her eyebrows as the woman walked off. She was avoiding the question.

Lauren practically raced to get ready. She slipped on her shoes and tossed her hair slightly before making her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Y/n was there and talking to Louise.

"Good morning, Lauren. What can I get for you?" Louise asked as her and Y/n looked back at the woman.

"The same thing as Y/n," Lauren said and walked right up to the woman. Louise flicked her eyes back and forth before heading to the kitchen. Y/n knew the conversation that was already about to happen. "So?"

"So," Y/n repeated and pulled the chair out for Lauren. The brunette woman happily sat down as Y/n pushed the chair in.

"You're avoiding the question," Lauren said and squinted her eyes. "Why is that?"

"What was the question again? I forgot?" Y/n asked sarcastically and rested her elbow against the table.

"Why you won't fight me," Lauren said and tilted her head. "I'm a pretty good fighter. I could get better if I had a partner."

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