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i would just like to say thank you to whichever writer who decided to create the lauren storyline. i hope you have a good ass day😭🤍

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: swearing, NSFW suggested, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of suicide
word count: 3696

"Well, hello. Look at you," Y/n said as Lauren descended from the stairs. The younger woman had a smirk on her face as Lauren reached out for her. She wore a tight black dress, and had her makeup done to perfection. "You look perfect."

"As do you," Lauren said as she finally was against Y/n. The brunette woman ran her hands up the woman's chest. She was dressed in a simple all black suit. Once again, they can thank Louise for coordinating the outfits.

"You ready to go?" Y/n asked as she and Lauren walked out of the villa.

"Now, I know you said it's a formal date. But I thought you said we were just going to the city?" Lauren asked as Y/n and her linked arms. "What do you have up your sleeve?"

"I never reveal my secrets," Y/n said and smiled. The two women made their way towards the cars. Liam and Patrick were in the car in front of them as all of them took off driving. Y/n's hand rested right on Lauren's thigh as she drove closely behind Patrick and Liam.

It was a short drive before the two cars pulled into the airport landing strip. Lauren's eyebrows furrowed. It was nearly night fall, where would they be flying at this time?

"I can hear you overthinking," Y/n said and smiled softly. Lauren looked over at her and shrugged her shoulders.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Lauren said as they car came to a sudden stop. The woman put the car in park. "I thought you said you were taking me to the city."

"I said I'd take you to the city. I never specifically said which city. Stay there," Y/n said as she got out of the car and shut the door behind her. Lauren's eyes darted all around the car. She saw Y/n walk up to Liam and Patrick. "I don't want you two bothering me for anything in the next twenty-four hours. If you do, I'll have your head."

"We're waiting to hear from Martin for a job. We have to be making some money soon, the rest of them are angsty. Martin said the job is where you are. You'll probably be the first to hear about it. This is a good one," Patrick said and looked over at Lauren. The two of them locked eyes for an split second before she looked away. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I thought I told you to drop this," Y/n said and clenched her jaw. "Until she does something completely out of line, you have no reason to be suspicious of her."

"Whatever you say," Liam said and nodded his head. His eyes darted over to Lauren. The brunette woman was nervous sitting in her seat. "Just be careful."

Y/n nodded her head as Liam and Patrick got back into the car. The two men looked at one another.

"We have twenty four hours, let's hope we find something on her," Patrick said as he started the car.

The two men made their way back to the house. As soon as they walked in, Lynette stood there at the entrance. She held the voice monitor. They were going to find out something from Lauren eventually. All three of them made their way to the woman's room.

"Let's turn this place upside down," Liam said and walked into the room. The three of them flipped over the woman's bed, drawers, and closet. All of them couldn't find anything. The only thing they did find was a Glock-19 stored away in the woman's closet. Lynette was desperate to find anything on the brunette woman. She was too perfect to be true.

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