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good morning lovelies! aren't y'all excited that this book has ONE more chapter to it??🥳

i will not be putting a series of trigger warnings on these last two chapters since they contain spoilers in them. if you're hesitant to read, feel free to message me for the warnings🥰

also not proofread✨

word count: 4287

Derek slammed down the file in his hand. All of the team was sleep deprived, exhausted, and truthfully a little upset.

"How the hell has this been a classified as a cold case already?" Derek asked and sat back in his chair.

"There's been no other bodies from this unsub for two weeks. Is it possible that this unsub just murdered these people and got away with it?" JJ asked and ran a hand down her face. "That would classify them as a hit man."

"Either they've gotten to the end of their list or they're quitting," Spencer said and furrowed his eyebrows.

Emily was a little thankful on Y/n backing off. With no new bodies, the BAU had no reason to be investigating on this case. She knew the danger they would be in if they discovered Y/n and plastered her picture everywhere. Emily couldn't let that happen.

"Well, it's getting late. I'm going to call it a night and try to sleep peacefully after seeing this pictures," Emily said and got up from the round table. Everyone nodded their heads as they all dispersed after Emily left. The raven-haired woman grabbed her bag and made it out of the bullpen without any other conversation.

It didn't take long for Emily to get home. The raven-haired woman did her check around her apartment before holstering her gun. Emily's head was hurting as she walked into her kitchen. The woman searched through her refrigerator for anything she could make a meal with.

"Take out it is then," Emily said softly as she reached behind her and grabbed her phone. The Chinese restaurant Emily usually ordered from recognized the woman's phone number and immediately started to get together her order.

The raven-haired woman sank back into her couch and sighed heavily. Her body desperately needed sleep but Emily couldn't let herself become vulnerable. Sleep wasn't a necessity to her anymore.

Well, she thought it wasn't.

Emily woke up abruptly to the sound of knocking at her door. She immediately grabbed her gun and headed towards the door. Emily looked out the peephole of her apartment and only saw the bag of takeout on the phone. She forgot the restaurant also had her card on file.

Emily lowered her gun as she unlocked the door. As soon as she was about to grab it, a hand came up and grabbed the gun from her hand. Emily was about to fight back when the person shoved them both back into her apartment. The raven-haired woman was pinned to the wall as the door shut.

Emily's eyes couldn't even make out a face before a pair of familiar lips were on hers. She knew this kiss from anywhere and wrapped her arms around the woman's neck. The raven-haired woman shamelessly moaned against the kiss before the other person pulled away.

"Miss me?" Y/n asked as a smile formed on her face. Emily pulled away from the woman and clenched her jaw as she smacked her right across the face. Y/n held her cheek as she tried to soothe the hit. "I'll take that as a yes."

Emily was about to reach under the table by the door when Y/n aimed Emily's gun at her. The raven-haired woman held her hands up in surrender.

"You think I don't know about that one? Or the one under your kitchen counter? Or behind your night stand? You have one in every room," Y/n said and shook her head.

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