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The next three days passed by way too quickly and I found myself planted outside the courthouse. The whole trial I was tuning everything out, my eyes fixed on my father.

I was called to the stand and had to tell the judge all about the things my father had done to me, and then show her my scar.

In the end, a bald man on the jury stood up and said, "On all charges we find Charles Gold... Guilty."

I started to cry happy tears and and turned to hug Will tightly. "We won" I said quietly and Will nodded, hugging me back.

I left the courthouse relieved for the first time in weeks, I felt good. I immediately wanted to tell Tommy about it.

I got home and called Tommy.

"Hola Kay!! Me Gustaaaa!!"

"You're streaming," he responded with a noise of affirmation. "This is sort of important..."

"Oh, no problem, I was gonna end soon anyway," he said bye to chat and stopped the stream.

"What do you need Kaylee?" he said dropping the persona.

"Will and I won, Tom," I smiled, "He's gone, I'm here permanently now."

"Oh god, Kay, That's amazing!! I'm so proud of you!" I blushed at his words and told him all about the trial.

We talked and he said, "You know Kay, what if we met up, just me and you, to celebrate, grab lunch and hang out." I nodded excitedly and we started making arrangements. The only thing left was asking Wilbur.

"You can go." He said before I even asked. "I've been listening and you can go meet Tommy." I hugged him and ran out to pack. I would stay with Tommy for just a few days and then come back home. I'd leave tomorrow.

I can't even express my excitement. I forced myself to sleep so that when I woke up I would be closer to seeing Tommy, god he made me so happy.

When I woke up, I ate breakfast and showered and made myself look pretty, tonight I would tell Tommy how I feel.

Wilbur laughed at my excitement as he started the car. We drove, only stopping to eat and pee until we arrived at Tommy's house. Wilbur grabbed my bag and I knocked on the door. Tommy opened it and a smile spread across his face when he saw me. I practically tackled him in a bone crushing hug. He hugged me back with equal force. He led me to his room where I'd be sleeping on an air mattress. I put my stuff down and said goodbye to Will before sending him away.

I sat in Tommy's gaming chair and turned to face him. "Ah, feels so good to be free, my dad gone and now hanging with you, I just can't lose." I said. 

He nodded and sat on his bed. We were just fooling around. "Do you wanna go for a walk, the sun is about to set, and there's a park down the street."

"I want to find those geese you've told me so much about, and shake their wing, pushing you into a pond that must've been hilarious." He pouted a bit but still held out his hand to me.

I took it and we walked together to the park. When we got there we found a nice place near the pond.

It's now or never, said the voice in my head. I nodded and turned to Tommy.

"Tom, I like you, a lot, I want to be more than just friends." I said very quick.

"Kay, I- I like you too, I would love to be more than friends." He said glancing down to my lips.

"May I?" He asked and I nodded. His hand found a place on my cheek and he leaned down. I went up on my toes and met him halfway. Our lips connected and everything fell into place. This was mine, I didn't want to scream it from the rooftops because all I needed was us two.

"Kay, you know I don't think we should tell anybody yet... we can tell our friends but I kind of want to keep this private from the fans..."

"I completely agree, I'd be fine with never telling them, as long as you're here." He leaned down again and our lips connected once more.

After a bit of enjoying each other's company we walked home hand in hand and went to bed, but I slept in Tommy's arms and the air mattress lay forgotten.

When I woke up, Tommy was already up, he was sitting at his desk editing and he turned to smile at me.

"Thomas, let's make a deal, we can tell the fans when we get married." I said jokingly.

"Woah, When, not if, when, bold move miss Gold, but we have a deal." He said and suddenly I knew it was true, the fans wouldn't know until we get married, why? Because we are both two competitive to lose a bet and tell them accidently.

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