I'm sorry

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"Kaylee! Haven't you ever heard of knocking!" He said shocked.

"Nope, what's that? Anyway, get dressed, we need to talk." I said sitting on his bed.

"O-okay" He said quickly throwing a shirt on and a hoodie. "So, what's up?"

"Yesterday, at the cinema, who saw what happened? Did Wilbur see, does he know?" I asked.

"No, nobody saw, I made sure to get you out of there before anyone noticed, and I didn't tell Wilbur, figured you would want to tell him yourself."

"Thank you Tommy... honestly I can't tell you how much it means to me that you did that." He nodded and I went to hug him but he quickly stood up and went to the door. I found it a little odd but left anyway.

I went down the other hallway and stopped at a door, knocking this time. I heard a soft 'come in' and I cracked the door open and slipped inside. Will looked up from his laptop where he was gently typing.

"Hey kay, what do you need kiddo," I sat down next to him pulling a pillow into my lap.

"I want to talk to you about some stuff." I said looking down, I was going to tell him about my nightmares, and maybe about Tommy.

"Okay, I'm all ears," He set his laptop to the side and gave me his full attention.

"I haven't told you a lot of things Will, and I think you should know, I've had horrible nightmares, almost every night since I left that house, and recently I've started having panic attacks, the trial, it scares me Will, what if I have to go back. I've made friends Will, I don't want to give it away." I didn't want to cry but it was hard to keep it in when talking about this, I had a brief moment of wishing Tommy was there to hold my hand but I forced it back.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me, that must've been so difficult to go through on your own, but don't worry we will win this trial and I'll be there for you through your nightmares now that I know about them." He said.

"Will, I hate to tell you this because it makes it seem like I don't trust you, I do, but he was just there when it happened..."

"What do you mean, somebody else knows?"

"Yeah Tommy knows everything, he's been super understanding and he's been great at helping me, I didn't mean to tell him but we were on a sleep call and he calmed me down and since then I've just told him everything."

"Ok, I just, one thing, are you sure we're thinking about the same Tommy, like Tommyinnit, because the Tommy I know is not comforting, he is a pain." 

"Oh shut up, you know that he's only a pain most of the time." I laughed and elbowed him.

"Ok well, thanks for telling me and remember that I'm always here to talk if you need anything." He said smiling at me as I went to leave.

I walked downstairs and saw that a few people were scattered around the living room. I walked over to Jack to see what he was doing and he told me that he was playing 8-ball with Tubbo, and a glance around the room showed me that Tubbo was also on his phone sitting at a barstool in the kitchen.

I noticed that Phil and Niki were both missing, but everyone else asides from Tommy and Will, who were in their rooms, were down here. 

I sat down and got on my own phone, until Phil and Niki arrived with a tree. I gasped in excitement, I love decorating Christmas trees. Tommy came downstairs and we all decorated the tree together, it was super fun and once we were finished we talked for a bit before splitting off, I told Tubbo and Tommy to meet me in my room and they showed up soon after I did.

"So boys, let's build a den, and before you ask why, the answer is because why not." They both agreed after a little convincing and we all went to collect pillows and blankets.

I had pulled some chairs out of a few rooms and we all three worked together to build the best damn den I have ever seen. Tommy was the first to climb in and his freakishly tallness made him have to hunch over awkwardly. Tubbo and I both got in after and since we are both short kings we were able to sit comfortably and we laughed at Tommy.

We watched a movie and when it was over I pulled out a deck of cards. "Who wants to play battle?" I said shuffling the cards and both the boys agreed.

We played and in the end, Tubbo won, and I realized the time.

"Guys! It's time to go exchange gifts!" Their faces lit up and we all ran downstairs, after carefully exiting the den.

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now