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The lock clicked open as I slipped in as silently as possible, I didn't know if Will was sleeping or if he'd possibly be mad that I showed up here this late. I felt the wetness on my cheeks but much preferred finding my brother before wiping my face. I had to find him or else I might pass out. I was so dizzy, I barely stumbled down the hall before collapsing loudly and succumbing to the throbbing pain in my head.


Will's PoV

"chat I think someone is in my house, I'm being robbed, stop sending me money they can't know I'm rich." I said jokingly to my stream while Tommy also pretended to be scared.

I was joking anyway, until I heard a loud thud outside the door and I'm sure chat saw my face pale.

"Chat I'm bringing you with me, in case I die, video evidence." I said trying to hide the fact I was terrified. I picked up my camera and slowly opened the door, my camera fell on the body of a girl passed out in the hallway and I dropped the camera with no hesitation, I rushed to her side, it was Kaylee, my 16 year old sister. I could hear Tommy shouting but I was preoccupied. I pulled out my phone and dialed 999, she needed help, I ended the stream without a goodbye and hung up on Tommy and Tubbo.

I explained to the operator and she told me that there was an ambulance on it's way, I noticed at that point a bunch of blood on her stomach, starting to come through the fabric of her hoodie, I gently peeled the fabric up and almost vomited at the sight of it, a long and deep gash ran across one side of her stomach.

Eventually I heard the sirens, and they rushed in to the apartment. The paramedics dealt with my sister and I insisted on riding with them to the hospital.


Kaylee PoV

I could hear a lot, beeping, breathing, crying, talking, I couldn't see anything though. I slowly cracked my eyes open just a tiny little bit and saw a mop of curly brown hair laying down in my lap. It was Will, he had his head put down in my lap and he was sitting next to the bed. I slowly put my hand in his hand and gently brushed it. 

His eyes fluttered open and he drowsily sat up, but seeing me awake suddenly brought his energy back.

"Kaylee, thank goodness, you're awake, you have so much explaining to do but I'm so glad you are alive." he said quickly.

I went to respond and realized how dry my mouth was. He caught on quickly and handed me a cup of water. I drank almost all of it and started to speak quietly.

"I-I'm so sorry Will, I just had nowhere else to go, I didn't know what to do, Here's what happened..."


Two nights ago

"Brat! get down here and get us beers!" I heard my father shout from downstairs, this wasn't unusual of him. I decided to do as told and grabbed them all fresh beers and set it in front of them, more a servant than a daughter.

After about ten minutes they had all guzzled down their drinks and father was asking for more.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" I mutter under my breath.

"What was that, bitch? Don't mumble, use your big girl voice!" He shouted at me.

"I just said that it's getting kind of late and that you all should maybe get a bit of sleep, I'm sorry for mumbling." I said hesitantly, afraid of what would happen if I told the truth.

"Who made you the boss, you can't tell me what to do! Now, get me a beer!"

"No more tonight father, we are out, I'll go to the store tomorrow." My father was in a rage and logic escaped as he shouted about disobeying him. I went to face him and as I turned something collided with my stomach, I vaguely heard the sound of glass shattering and felt the pain of being cut before I grabbed my hoodie and ran out the front door, he had never thrown anything like that directly at me before, I had to go somewhere, anywhere but there.

It hit me like a train, Will.


present day

"Oh my god, K, I can't believe dad did that to you." Will said quietly.

"It's okay William, it was my fault, I disobeyed even though I knew what would happen, I should have done better." I said.

"Jeez, William, anyway not the point, Kay this is in no way your fault, he's your father you aren't supposed to serve him. Has this happened before?"

"Kind of? He's never actually hit me with the stuff he throws, usually he just punches and slaps." I said nonchalantly although it was the truth.

"Oh lord, Kay... I don't even know what to say, I should've never left you there, I should've taken you with me, I should've come home to visit, I should've checked on you, I should've-" I cut him off.

"There was no way you could have known this would happen Will, what happened has happened, what matters now is what you do for me now. I can't go back Will, he'll be so furious I ran off."

"I know and the plan is for you to file a police report about the incident and then come live with me and if this has been going on for the whole time I've been gone, then dad will be going away for a long time." he said, softly hugging me.

I nodded, on the verge of tears. Finally, someone would take me away from that man.

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now