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I smiled at the two of them, I wasn't too keen on Tommy and my sister being that close, but she seemed happy and he seemed to be helping her so I can live with it. I walked away and back to my room.

Niki was in there because we had been planning some things for the new year. "I just ran into Tommy, and I can't explain but he definitely has a crush on my sister." She gasped.

"No way, he told you, I mean it's obvious but he actually said something?"

"No, I don't think he even realizes it yet, to be fair though I don't think Kaylee has realized her feelings yet either, they are so clueless it's kind of funny." I chuckled.

Niki nodded and we went back to planning.


I woke up in my bed, after my episode last night I wasn't excited to get up but forced myself out of bed. I got ready for the day and headed downstairs. Tommy told me that they had said we had the day to do whatever we wanted until 6 when we would go to a carnival. I was excited for the carnival.

"Tom? What if we went to a museum, I love science museums, we could bring Tubbo or just go alone."

"I mean sure, I'll ask Tubbo if he wants to come." Tommy went up to ask Tubbo and I put on my shoes and Jacket.

The two came down and we left, leaving a note letting them know when we'd be back. We had to walk since none of us could drive which was a pain but we made it regardless. At the museum, we bought tickets and we went inside.

We explored the museum and at some point we went into the prehistoric bird room. I think I actually shrieked in excitement.


I watched her race forward, Tubbo and I trying to keep up. She stopped in front of one of the exhibits. She turned to both of us.

"This is called a Quetzalcoatlus, it's a type of pterosaur. I love them. I think they are so interesting because for years scientists couldn't figure out how they took off to fly. Because there were a few theories but none of them were solid across the board. Like they could jump off of cliffs and then soar or climb trees, but nothing stuck because their weight estimates made them too big to fly logically and they weren't living in a region with high ground to jump off of. People then theorized they had a four legged jump into the air because of their reinforced wings. Finally we have a theory that is probable, they run up and then lean up onto their wing hand things and basically pole vault into the sky and then flap themselves away." I watched her talk the whole time waving her hands wildly, she was passionate and I was hardly even focusing on her words, just the smile on her face and her wild gestures. She stopped talking and started apologizing for her tangent.

"No, that's actually really interesting," Tubbo said.

We continued to explore the museum and when we were done we went to the gift shop and I found a hoodie that I pointed out to Kay. "We should totally get matching hoodies, it would be super funny to wear them on streams." She said pulling her size off the rack. I nodded and grabbed one too. We bought them and then realized it was almost five and we should start heading back.

We all walked and talked about our favorite parts of the museum. Eventually we got home and everyone was hanging out waiting for the carnival time.

"Okay everyone is here, well we should get ready, it'll take a bit to get there and if we want to grab food first." We all nodded and went to grab our things. 

When we were all ready we got in the car and I quickly snatched the aux cord. I played khai dreams. I looked over at Kay and saw her happily singing raindrops and my cheeks heated up as I realized something, I like Kaylee a lot.


We arrived at the carnival just after six and we had all already ate. We got our wristbands and took off, I was with Jack and we ran towards the biggest roller coaster first. I was jumping up and down in excitement, I loved roller coasters. Tommy and Tubbo joined us in line. 

We all sat in rows, Jack next to me and the other two behind us. As the ride took off I screamed happily. It was super fun. I almost wanted to ride it again.

After the ride we switched partners, I took Tommy, and Tubbo and Jack split off together. Tommy and I went to play games. We got to the balloon pop and saw a giant teddy bear and I pointed it out, it was black, exactly the opposite of the other bear we got at the arcade. Tommy understood and we both set out to win it. Eventually Tommy got it and handed it to me.

"Tom we have to name it Luna. Her and our other bear, Sunny, can be best friends, you can take Luna and I'll take Sunny." I said childishly. He rolled his eyes.

"You know what that's just clever enough that I agree. Welcome to the family Luna." He said laughing. 

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now