New years eve

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The next few days were filled with excitement and they passed way too quickly. Soon enough it was New years eve and Wilbur had something planned. He told us all to get moderately formal.

So I was in my room trying to zip up my dress, to little avail. "NIKI!" I shouted down the hall and she came flouncing down in a cute pink dress. I turned and she zipped my dress up.

"You look so pretty, Kaylee!" She said squealing a bit.

"Stop it, you look so good," I said back.

She sat with me while I finished my hair and makeup. When I was ready, we walked downstairs and I saw everyone else waiting at the entryway. I found Tommy and saw him in a suit with a blue tie. I looked down at my long blue dress and looked up to see him staring back at me. I slowly walked over.

"You look, uh, you look really pretty." He said flushing.

"You don't look so bad yourself Tommyinnit." I said patting his chest and walking away.

We all piled into the cars, Niki driving one and Wilbur driving the other. We drove for about fifteen minutes until we arrived at this place with a big fountain. People were gathered around waiting for the fireworks to start and we walked around the crowd. I separated from the group and found a nice space at the back of the crowd.

After a bit, a boy walked over to me. "Hey, you new around here?" I looked over and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm on holiday with a few friends."

"Shame we don't have any pretty girls like you around here."

"thank you."

We chatted and he was nice but I was still a little standoffish. When the countdown started, I turned to look at the fireworks. When it hit zero the boy turned me and grabbed my ass tightly and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked and struggled to pull away. I ended up shoving him rougher than I meant to.

"What the hell, you wanted it, you led me on and then you shove me away, don't even pretend you weren't into it."

"I wasn't, what-" I was cut off by him shoving me back by my shoulders, before I could regain my balance my heel caught on something and I stumbled back, the back of my knees hitting the fountain and I fell in.

"You asshole! What the hell!" I yelled trying to stand up, but wincing as I put my weight on my ankle and falling back down. The boy laughed and walked away.

I was too dazed to get up again until I saw a head of blonde hair in front of me and reached out to take his hand, he pulled me up but I once again winced at my ankle. He lets me lean on him for support and sits me on a bench, probably to go tell the situation to Will. He comes back and says that we were gonna head back to the house.

At the house, we were all sitting in the living room, me with a towel on and everyone looking at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry I ruined you guys' evening." I sniffed out.

"It wasn't your fault..." Wilbur said.

"What even happened?" Tubbo said confused.

"Some fucking jerk kissed her and when she shoved him off, he shoved her into the fountain." Tommy said, sounding livid.

Everyone comforted me and eventually Wilbur led me upstairs to change and I got in bed after. I fell asleep even though I wasn't really tired. I pulled Sunny up off the floor and hugged her. I was able to rest after that.


I couldn't believe I had let that happen, I should've been with her. Niki had determined she had a sprained ankle. That guy was a douche.

I couldn't sleep so I went live. I had to be quiet as to not wake Kay, but I just played Minecraft for a while. After I said goodbye to chat, I got into bed and laid there until I fell asleep.

The next morning was the day we would all be leaving, and Kay was still asleep. I sat on the edge of her bed. I knew she was asleep and so I started whispering to myself.

"How are you so perfect, I like you so much, but I can't tell you, because we're both leaving, hopefully I'll see you again and I promise I'll say something then." I sighed and got up, leaving.


Tommy got up and as soon as my door closed I sat up and my cheeks turned bright red. Tommy liked me, more than just a friend. Did I like Tommy like that? I finally decided that yes, I did. My heart suck as I realized he was right, we were both leaving today.

I sighed and packed up my stuff, making sure I had the hoodie Tommy and I had bought and making sure I had Sunny before putting all my stuff in the car. Wilbur was telling everybody goodbye and I waited for him to finish until I went around and hugged everybody, saving Niki and Tommy for last.

"Bye Niki, I'll miss you!" I said wrapping her in a hug. She nodded and returned the hug.

I walked over to Tommy and got on my toes to wrap my arms around his neck. I whispered into his ear, "I'll miss you so much, until next time, Tommy." He hugged me tighter before letting me go and waving me goodbye.

"I'll miss you too Kaylee..." He said quietly. I smiled at him and got into the car.

This was when it hit me, my dad's trial was in three days.

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now