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"Guys, guys, wake up!" I woke up to Tubbo shaking me.

"What do you want Tubbo?" I said groggily.

"It's snowing on Christmas!" He said and I immediately lit up. I leaned over to shake Tommy and the second he opened his eyes I yanked on him and pulled him over to the window.

We both saw the snow covered ground and I kicked them out of my room to get ready to go outside. The boys got the hint and as soon as we were all ready we were racing into the backyard. I got there first and scooped up a handful of snow and made it into a ball before lobbing it at Tommy.

I hit him in the chest and he immediately picked one up and threw it back, hitting Tubbo instead. We erupted into a full snowball war. Me and Tommy targeted each other so Tubbz got out relatively unscathed, after a bit though we decided to go in and make hot cocoa, by that I mean Tubbo made it and me and Tommy argued about who won the snowball fight.

He set our cups in front of us and then went to jump onto the counter but completely missed and had to resort to climbing up. He sat cross legged in front of us and we all talked until the adults started to come down stairs. The room slowly came to life with chatter and people planning what to do with the snow day. I heard someone mention ice skating and I lit up. I did figure skating for a while, I had a private instructor until my mom left and I got pulled out of everything, even school.

It had been a long time but I was excited to try my old moves again. I expressed my excitement and convinced everyone to ice skate. Will knew why I was so excited and he helped me convince people. He then drove us all to the rink.

We all rented skates and I rented a pair of figure skates. I went out onto the ice and saw Tommy struggling a bit and skated over to him.

"Tommy, do you not know how to skate?" I asked laughing a bit.

"Oi, fuck you, I know how to skate, like you could do any better." He said indignantly.

"Oh I can do so much better." I said proudly.

"Prove it" he said.

"Okay, Everybody look here! I'm about to school this child!" I said and everyone looked over, I motioned for them to get to the sides and they did even the people who weren't with our groups.

I decided to do an axel jump, not too difficult and a pretty good warm up. I did my lead up and jumped doing the spin and then managing to stick the landing. People applauded and I knew that I had already showed him up, but I'm a competitive bitch. 

I skated out and into a Biellmann spin, I started lower and progressively  pulled my foot up over my head and spun for as long as I could before going back down. I slipped a bit but stayed standing. People clapped a bit and I skated over to Tommy, glad I hadn't worn pants because shorts made it easier to do those moves.

"Still think I can't do better than you," I said cockily.

"Ok, you win," he said in defeat, "But how did you know how to do that," he asked genuinely curious.

"I don't know how it never came up in our hours of calling, but I took like four and a half years of figure skating lessons."

"Oh wow, that's cool, why'd you quit?"

"Oh um, I'll tell you later..." I said my mood shifting. He noticed and changed the subject.

"Anyway, let's skate, a bit less flashy this time though." I nodded and we skated around, me occasionally doing a spin or skating backwards making Tommy roll his eyes, but smile anyway.

After a few hours, we were all thoroughly skated out and very cold. We decided to go to a restaurant and then home. I shared wings with Tubbo because I wasn't all that hungry. When we got back Tommy came into my room.

"So, you said you'd tell me why you quit skating..." he said sitting down.

"Oh yeah, umm well, after my mom left and Will moved out my dad stopped wanting me to go anywhere, he didn't want to worry about where I was. or so he says, and so he pulled me out of every sport and extracurricular, and then a few weeks later he pulled me out of school, it sucked because I liked ice skating, but you know such is life."

"Oh umm, that's rough, I'm sorry." he said and I laughed at his sudden awkwardness.

We talked a bit more and I got tired so I laid down on the floor.


Before I knew it Kaylee had fallen asleep on the ground and I was getting tired myself, I picked up Kaylee and put her in her bed before going to my own room and falling asleep immediately. I woke up in the middle of the night and went down to get water.

As I was coming back up I ran into Wilbur. "Why are you up?" I questioned.

"Couldn't sleep, you?"

"Dunno, same I guess..." I heard a slam down the hall and realized it was Kaylee's room, I needed to check on her in case she was hurt but also not alarm Wilbur.

"Umm, I'm gonna get back to bed, bye," I said quickly walking down the hall, but passed up my room and went straight into Kay's room.

I went in and couldn't see her anywhere, until I heard a whimper from the closet, I opened the door carefully and saw her curled up in a ball with her face hidden. I could hear her crying.

I crouched down in front of her, and gently pulled her arms away from her face.

"Kaylee look at me, you are safe, you aren't there anymore, he can't hurt you, it'll be okay." I continued to say things like this until she calmed down.

She wiped her eyes and I gently led her to her bed. She got settled and I sat next to her softly talking until she fell asleep. I looked up and saw Wilbur in the doorway. I quickly stood up to leave before he asked questions.

"Relax, she told me already, thank you for taking care of my sister." he nodded and left. I went to my room after that. 

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