heart stopped

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Her call switched to a facetime and I answered. I saw her face for the first time. I swear my heart skipped, maybe even stopped. She was pretty, really really pretty. We both blushed.

"You're pretty," she blushed brighter.

"Wow, we both say something embarrassing the first time we see each other." she says trying to hide her face.

"I'm not embarrassed," I say, not knowing where this boldness was coming from. She buried her face in her hands.

Conversation slowly started up again and eventually she set her phone on her nightstand and drifted off, I could still see her from where I was propped up and she was laying facing me. I took this chance to admire her. She had wavy brown hair, not as curly as Wilbur's but much darker. She had freckles gently dusting her cheeks and a slight smile on her lips. She looked relaxed. I found myself drifting off while trying to memorize everything about her face.

I woke up to whimpering, a glance out the window showed me the sun hadn't risen yet. I looked at my phone and the moonlight showed me that Kaylee was tossing and turning in her bed. I could see tears streaking her cheeks. I did the only thing I could do and called her name until I saw her eyes dart open.

She looked around in fear until her eyes fell on me and I flicked on my lights so she could see me.

"Hey, hey, Kay, it's okay, you're safe, it's just me, what happened?" I said softly, trying not to startle her. I had experience with nightmares and panic attacks, I knew it all too well.

"Kay, talk to me, everything is ok now." she nodded and wiped her face. God, I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and comfort her until she went back to sleep.

"N-nightmare, I don't want to talk about it," her eyes cast down.

"That's fine, I'll be ready to listen anytime you need to tell someone though, is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"Just talk to me, please I just need you here." That made my cheeks heat up although I hadn't the slightest idea why.

"Ok, well when I was little my parents always brought me and my-, they always brought me to this little park down the street, I loved it there, they had a pond and ducks, I would always feed them and one time, I accidently scared a goose and they chased me around, I may or may not have fallen into the pond." I talked aimlessly, telling her stories until she went back to bed. 

I smiled and allowed myself to sleep.


I woke up and saw Tommy still asleep, I watched him for a bit until I went shower and get dressed. When I was done, he was already up and said hello before telling me he would be busy all day. We said goodbye and hung up. 

I sighed thinking about the first time I woke up. Tommy handled me so well, I felt bad for waking him up, but also thankful he was there.

My father's trial was rapidly approaching and the nightmares were getting worse with it, they were almost every night now. I don't know how the trial will turn out and it's ripping me apart. I wanted to tell Tommy so badly, but what if it changes what he thinks of me.

His trial would be just after new year, why it was so far away, I don't know, but it was just making my anxiety worse. I decided I would talk to Wilbur about what I had told Tommy. I found him in the kitchen and I grabbed myself some food.

"Hey, will, I had a question?" I said sitting on the counter.

"What's up?" He looked at me and tilted his head slightly.

"I was wondering how you would feel if I were to start streaming." I was hopeful, Will was always trying to please.

"I think that would be great, you can use my setup until we can get you your own." He seemed enthusiastic but also tired, he must've stayed up late.

I nodded and finished eating before deciding to go for a walk. It was refreshing being out of the flat.

When I got back, I messaged Tommy saying I would start streaming soon and then tweeted something out, about the stream. I had gained quite a few followers since I had appeared on so many of Tommy's streams.

I went live and did my intro before I got a call from tommy and joined him and Tubbo on the Minecraft world we had made. We played around for a while and built a small house. I placed my bed next to Tommy's as a joke and as soon as he said, "When her Minecraft bed is next to yours," I moved it away and he made a dramatic scene.

"Tommy, I'm sure you know soooooo much about that feeling," I said and Tubbo laughed.

"Of course I do, I'm big man Tommyinnit, I have women all over me all the time." He announced proudly.

"I'm sure you do big man." I said hitting his character and running off. Eventually I muted myself on discord to do my outro.

"Bye guys, I love you all and hope you enjoyed the stream, until next time," I waved and ended the stream. 

I unmuted and Tommy immediately started telling me how well I did. It felt good knowing he thought I was okay. We talked for a bit before I said goodbye and left the call.

I walked into the kitchen and Wilbur hugged me. "You did good, Kaylee." I beamed at him.

He offered that we go out and do something and I agreed. We ended up going to the arcade down the street and playing every game we could. I spotted a vlog gun and tugged on Will's arm.

"We have to get one, it'd be so funny, you broke Tommy's so if I get one before he does." I begged for like five whole minutes until he finally budged and let me use my tickets on the gun. I texted a picture to Tommy and then walked home with Will.

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now