ocean eyes

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I woke up to the sound of faint typing, I glanced over to see Tommy still on the phone.

"Tommy?" I asked drowsily.

"g'morning sleepyhead" he chuckled.

"You know you didn't have to stay on call." I say.

"I know that, but I wanted to wait for you to wake up..."

"That's sweet, but I have to go, I have some stuff to do before your stream, I'll see you later." He said goodbye and I left the call.

I walked out and had Wilbur redo my gauze before I got dressed. I did a few things before my discord started to ring and I answered Tommy.

He was back being loud and obnoxious Tommyinnit. We played around for a few hours until Wilbur offered to take me to grab dinner. I said goodbye and went to eat with Will.

As soon as we got back, Tommy called me. I answered and we talked about random shit until I heard soft snores coming from his end and smiled a bit. I laid down and went to bed myself.

I woke up to him typing again, it was nice knowing he didn't hang up.

"G'morning Tom," I said getting out of bed. I did my own gauze this time and got dressed while Tommy talked idly in the background. 

"I have an among us stream today so I'll be busy for a while, but I was wondering if you wanted to talk after the stream, or you could stay on call for the stream... only if you want to though, I don't want to pressure you into anything, but it would be pretty cool if you stayed on." He was talking fast.

"Tom, calm down, I'll stay on for the stream, it's fine but I can't promise I'll be silent." I laughed.

"You don't have to be, just be quiet so they can't hear you when you talk." I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

We talked for a bit until he decided to start his stream. I clicked on to watch the stream but muted it since I would be able to hear him from my phone. When I clicked on I immediately noticed something. I had never seen Tommy before.

He has messy blonde hair, and a bright smile. He was talking excitedly to chat and I could hear him through the phone a few seconds before his mouth moved to say the words. The thing I noticed most of all though, was his eyes. A gorgeous blue somewhere between the ocean and the sky. They sparkled every time he laughed and I found myself staring at them.

Apparently I had been zoned out for a while because I saw Tommy click to mute himself to stream and lean to talk into the phone, I jumped when I heard my name through the phone and without even thinking I blurted, "You have gorgeous eyes." I saw his mouth drop open on stream and watched as his cheeks turned red. I realized what I had just said.

"I'm sorry, it's just I had never seen you before and I opened your stream and your eyes, I'm sorry, that was a really stupid thing to say."

"No, It's fine, I just wasn't expecting that, anyways I should probably unmute the stream." I laughed a little flustered and watched as he started to talk to the stream again.

He got onto the among us game soon after and I saw the people he was playing with, my brother among them. I saw one name that said Fundy and said to Tommy, "isn't he the furry that Wilbur was telling me about?" Tommy started laughing and the people in the game got confused, he brushed it off to them though.

I laughed to hard at one point and Wilbur realized what was happening and came into my room. He nodded and left before I heard him shout. "My own sister is giving Tommyinnit money instead of me, she's watching his stream." 

"Hey, no, I'm on the phone with him too!" I shouted back.

I watched them play, commenting every now and again before Tommy ended his stream and invited me into the discord call with everyone. Fundy had already left but everyone else was sitting around chatting. 

"Hey everyone," I said as I joined, a few people asked who I was.

"It's my girl friend," Tommy said in a deep Mexican type accent.

"The space between those two words is essential," I muttered making the call erupt into laughter and Tommy groan.

"Guys guys, be nice, that's my sister," Wilbur said.

"Hi Wilbur's sister!!!!" the discord icon said this was Tubbo.

"Hi Tubbo!!!" I shouted back with equal enthusiasm.

I spent about an hour in the call getting to know everyone.

The people in the call were: Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, Niki, Jack Manifold, Philza, Ranboo, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, and me.

After a while, people started to leave and I figured I would do the same so I logged off, but not before Tommy said he would call me in a minute.

He did exactly that and called me soon after he left. We chatted mindlessly for a bit.

"So... how did you like everyone?" he asked quietly.

"They were all pretty cool, especially Tubbo, he was really funny." Tommy sighed in relief, "What were you afraid I would hate them?" I laughed a bit.

"A bit, yeah" he said sheepishly.

"Did you really mean it?"

"Mean what?" I asked unsure of what he was asking.

"About my eyes, being pretty?" I laughed softly feeling pink brush my cheeks.

"Yes Tom, I meant it about your eyes, they are gorgeous, do people not usually tell you that?"

"I'm friends with a bunch of Minecraft streamers, so no we don't usually talk about my eyes." he seemed embarrassed.

"Well, then I'll be the first, you are very pretty Tommy."

"Not so sure about that one, handsome yes, pretty eh."

"okay then buddy."

"I've been thinking, what if I started streaming?" I blurted.

"Kay! That would be amazing, we could have so much fun, and chat loves you already, what did Wilbur say?" he seemed excited.

"I haven't told him yet... I was wondering if maybe we could facetime?" I said the last part quietly.


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