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Going to sleep that night was a little difficult because Tommy wasn't there on call with me. I don't know why I couldn't stop thinking about him. Eventually I did fall asleep and instead of the shouting of my father and the sight of blood, I heard Tommy's soft humming and quiet voice and saw those sparkling blue eyes.

The next morning my phone woke me up. I checked the screen and it said Tommy :). I smiled and answered the call.

"Hey Tommy, how are you?" I said tiredly.

"Sorry if I woke you, it's just that a bunch of us are meeting up and I didn't know if Wilbur invited you... I would really love if you came with us." I gasped and sat up.

I ran into Will's room, he was still asleep. I jumped onto him with my knees. My side had almost completely healed in the past weeks and so it didn't hurt to jump.

"Wh-What's going on?" He seemed dazed.


"I-I uh yeah I didn't think you'd wanna be in a house full of streamers on Christmas..." he said guiltily.

"I most certainly do Mr. William."

"Okay then, I'll let everyone know you're coming."

"TOO LATE!! I already told them." Tommy shouted through the phone.

"Tommy!! what the hell, you know what, I won't ask." He sighed and laid back down and I left the room.

I made breakfast with Tommy there to keep me company. We chatted happily and he talked as I ate. His voice made an odd feeling form in my stomach.

According to Tommy, Everyone would leave for Holiday in three days and we'd stay until the day after New years. I let him tell me stories while I packed and then I decided to stream for a bit, just doing a QnA. 

The next few days passed dreadfully slow, I felt like I was dying. Eventually the day came and Wilbur and I loaded into the car. The felt too long but eventually we got to the airBnB we would be staying at. We went inside and I saw Niki first. They had all been warned about my side so the hugs weren't uncomfortable. I called out Niki's name and she turned around. Her eyes lit up and she ran over to be. She wrapped me in a gentle hug and I sunk into it. I slowly made my way around and found everyone except Tommy and Tubbo.

I made my way up the stairs before I bumped into someone. I looked up from where I had landed on the and saw Tubbo sitting on the ground too. Before either of us could get up I tackled him in a hug.

"Tubbo!!!" I screamed practically pinning him down.

"Kaylee? It's so great to see you!!" He shouted back hugging me back.

"This sounds bad because it makes me seem like I'm not super stoked but do you know where Tommy is?"

"Oh yeah, we told him you couldn't come as a prank, last minute family thing, and he's sulking in his room, it's that door." Tubbo said pointing down the hall.

I thanked him and gave him a final hug before I went to Tommy's room. I opened the door and Tommy didn't look up from his phone. 

"What do you want Tubbo," he said with a sigh.

"Oh they were just wondering what you wanted for dinner." I said nonchalantly.

He looked up at the sound of my voice and his jaw dropped, he was up from his bed in seconds and his phone laid forgotten.

"They said you weren't coming..." he said as he hugged me.

His hug was different than everyone else's, it felt like reuniting with an old friend. The hug felt familiar and brand new all at the same time. I laid my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the moment until he pulled away. I smiled at him.

"I'm so glad you're here," he said softly.

"Me too," I said back hugging him again.

He was taller than I'd expected and he smelt really good, sort of a weird thing to register but that was the first thing I thought of.

I wanted to spend more time with him, but I knew we should go to the others. It was pretty late so we wouldn't do much except eat and then sleep.

Niki had made dinner so we all ate before I went to my room. I was exhausted from being in the car all day and fell asleep immediately.


I woke up to whimpering again and realized what was happening, I snuck down the hall and into Kay's room. She has yet to wake so I lightly shook her. She shot up but saw me and immediately reached out to me. I moved towards her and took her into my arms. She immediately started to sob into my shoulder, I rubbed her back and gently brushed a hand through her hair. Soon enough she calmed down and I felt her start to fall asleep, I laid her down and silently made my way back to my room, I hated that she had nightmares but at least she had someone to be there for her, unlike my- what am I saying, that wasn't my fault.

I ended up falling back asleep soon after laying down.

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now