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The next morning I sat up and immediately what had happened came back, Tommy was here last night, he calmed me down after my nightmare. I smiled at that and got ready for the day.

We were supposedly going to be heading to an arcade. Tommy and I were both excited. We silently agreed to team up and annihilate the games. 

When we got to the arcade, Will bought us all unlimited play passes and Tommy and I quickly ran off. We played every game we could, and we played the ones we were good at multiple times. We stopped in front of the one game we had yet to play.

"My mortal enemy," Tommy muttered, "the clown game." He glared at the game.

It was the game where you knock down the little clowns with rubber balls. I laughed and swiped my card to play. We kind of sucked but still laughed our butts off.

After everyone agreed to leave we got in line to get our prizes. We had over 2,000 tickets. We ended up with two vlog guns (for ambush purposes), 2 wubble bubble ball type things, a giant teddy bear (We named her Sunny), 2 ring pops, a parachute man, and like forty lollipops. We got our stuff and met everyone at the van. 

We were going to get lunch and then explore the shopping center. Tommy and I split off and ate Lunch at Subway before going to the shopping center. Tommy started filming and we were idiots for the vlog. I asked a random lady to be my girlfriend, like Tommy had in his other video. We stayed out until the sun set when we all drove back to the BnB.

I headed up to my room to try and shake off my energy, I was sitting in bed when a quiet knock pulled me out of it. I opened the door and Tommy came in. He sat on my bed and I sat next to him.

He sighed and started talking. "Kaylee, I have something I want to share with you, and don't think this is to pressure you into sharing your problems because it's not, I just really trust you a lot and want you to know this. You don't have to share anything until you are ready." I grabbed his hand and nodded for him to continue, he was clearly psyching himself up to say it.

"So, I want to tell you about my sister, and before anything you should know that no one else even knows she existed, not even Tubbo, but I had an older sister. We were two years apart and she was my best friend. Apparently though she had problems I didn't know about and started having terrible nightmares and panic attacks, I did everything I could to help, but what is a 12 year old supposed to do? In the end, she took her own life and I feel guilty even though it wasn't my fault, I was 12, how was I supposed to know? It's been 4 years since then exactly and this day every I spend laying in bed all day upset about my sister. This year was different though, I actually had a normal day, which I know is what she would've wanted for me. I know I'll never stop feeling guilty but at least it doesn't hurt as much to think of her anymore." He finished on the verge of tears. I hugged him.

"Tom, I'm so glad you told me this, I'm so happy you can trust me, and honestly I think I've been wanting to tell you my story for a while, but I was scared of what you would think... anyways it's my father. My mother left us a while ago and after that my dad developed a drinking problem, but he wasn't violent, until Will moved out. He had always been the mediator and suddenly there was nothing there to stop my dad from beating me half to death, and he did, quite often. One day though, he threw a bottle at me and hurt me really badly, that was the day I showed up at Will's. I got twenty stitches and a nasty scar, but I also got out of the house. My nightmares have been bad though because his trial is soon and I'm scared I'll have to go back to him." I finished off, somehow keeping my composure, Tommy kept me calm. He looked over to me and I felt him squeeze my hand, I forgot I was still holding his hand.

"You don't have to show me if you don't want to, but could I see the scar?" He asked hesitantly. I nodded and pulled up my shirt. I looked away so that I wouldn't see the look of disgust on his face. I felt a finger lightly ghost over it and I gasped feeling a shiver run down my spine. I looked over to Tommy and saw him looking at it, not disgusted but sad.

tongue tied- tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now