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Looking back, we wasted so much time.

I knew she needed her space, so I gave it to her, even if it was the hardest thing to do.

The day I showed up to her gallery opening was a year ago, and I know there's no way that we'd be here now if I had pushed her.

So, I gave her the space she needed, even when there were days that I just wanted to go and beg her to talk to me.

I look at her now, smiling and laughing with Garrett. She playfully hits his chest. She rolls her eyes at Emmett.

She smiles when Rose walks over with Riley.

She catches me staring, and her eyes light up. A few minutes later, she's there beside me.

"Is this everything you ever wanted?" I ask, even though I know the answer. She looks down at Charlie asleep in my arms.

Our daughter has her mom's brown curls and pink cheeks.

My green eyes.

I watch Bella remember.

The good.

Renewing our vows.

Buying a house.

Finding out she was pregnant.

Finally opening up her own studio.

The bad.

Losing Charlie and then each other.

The distance.

The compromises.

"Edward, it's more than I ever could have asked for."

I smile, knowing that in the future, when we tell Charlie the story of us, about when we were young—the losses and the wins—it's all a part of us.

And we'll be okay.

The End.

A/n: when I started this, it was going to be a one shot; but it grew legs and arms and became a whole story.

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