Chapter 5

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I turn the corner and lean against the wall with my eyes closed.

It only takes a few seconds, but I don't have to open my eyes to know he's standing in front of me.

The pull that I was sure he had over me isn't gone. My entire body and my mind are just as aware of him tonight as the years before.


Hair messy from runny his hands threw them, tie loosened. His eyes are dark, and they see right through me.

His features soften, and I take a deep breath.

Nothing he can say to me can make any of it better.

I can say it until I'm blue in the face, but having him here in front of me is a dream come true. I'd die before I walk away from him again.

I steel myself, and send up a prayer to whoever is listening to let me survive this.

Spain takes my breath away.

The first few weeks after we arrive, Eleazar gives Edward time to get used to the city. I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing Edward talk in Spanish; a talent he didn't tell me he had.

I don't put my camera down unless it's to eat or sleep.

At night, with his hands on my body, he whispers dirty words in Spanish, his lips to my skin.

The days blend together and we both know Edward will be busy soon. I savior the days he's there with me.

It takes one day, after far too many sangrias for Edward to get down on one knee and ask me to be his wife.

We find a church the next day, and I'm officially Mrs. Isabella Cullen.

A/n: it'll make sense soon.

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