Chapter 19

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I watch the sky as the sun rises, still warm and on a high. Edward's words repeat in my head, and for the first time in years I can't wait until the new day starts; to see what it will bring.

I have this feeling of hope, something to look forward to.

I smile, looking at the sky. "Thanks, Charlie," I say, thinking about last night and my words to Edward.

Fight for what you want.

"I traveled the world looking for a part of myself that left when I sent you away," I'd told him, shaking my head. "You're my home, too, Edward."

Edward's hand was still in mine, and the feeling of him so close was almost enough.

"Where does this leave us?"

"After all these years, you still make me dizzy. I know we haven't figured anything out," I said slowly, because at that moment all I knew was that I needed him. I wish I'd figured this out sooner. "Well, I think it's obvious, but I'm not—"

Before I could finish, the front door opened.

"Hey, honey! Are you—" Esme's words stopped when she saw me. I waited for her to say something to me that I deserved, but instead she said, "Your plane leaves soon. Your father is in the car."

Edward nodded, pulling his hand from mine. The loss I felt was instant.

"I'll be right back," he said, mostly to me.

After a few minutes, Esme sat next to me on the couch without saying a word. I turned to her.

"I owe you an apology. I was in such a dark place a few years ago. You didn't deserve my anger. I'm so sorry."

Her smile was hesitant. "You were going through a lot. I wasn't exactly blameless in it, either." We didn't say anything else. Edward came out with his bags. "I'll wait in the car."

The door clicked softly, and then it was just us.

"Come with me." His voice was smooth, and his eyes shined so brightly.

"I..." really want to. "I can't go back to Spain."

He chuckled. "I mean to the airport. I'm not ready to leave you."


He pulled my hand, pulled me close. "I'll have Dad drop you off after... I know this is crazy." He laughed with nervous eyes searching mine. "It was shitty, but I didn't think it through when I had Jason draw up those papers. I wanted to get your attention, though."

"It worked." I laugh. "I can't go to the airport with you. I don't know how to handle you leaving."

He nods, and lets out a deep breath.

"I..." He held out a hand and when I opened mine, he dropped a key into my palm. "I want you to have this."


"I want you to have it," he repeated, watching my hand close around a key. "I know you're staying with Rose and Em, but considering in a few weeks the baby will be here, you may want a place of your own."

We heard a car horn from the distance.

"I... have to go. I'll call you, Bella." He pulled me close and with a kiss on the forehead, he was gone.

"Who is that?" Jess actually points at whoever she's asking about.

I try to be sneaky, but I'm met with a lop-sided smirk.

"Do you know him?" She asks, I shake my head. "He won't stop looking at you!"

I shrug; mostly because I'm annoyed that I let Jess drag me to this party. I have a paper due Monday, and all I want is to go to bed.

"I don't know who he is."

Instead she talked me into coming to Ang and Ben's for a "get together." It's a full-blown party.

"I'll be back," I say, rolling my eyes.

I find the door, and let myself out onto the balcony. I'm only alone for a little while before the door opens. There is only one light out here, but his green eyes are illuminated, lips are pouty as he puts a cigarette to them.

"Those things will kill you," I manage to say, drunk from beer and the sight of him.

He smiles and quirks an eyebrow. "I know. I'm going to be a doctor. The day that happens, I'll quit," he says. I laugh. "How do you know Angie and Benny?" He gets impossibly closer, but I don't mind.

"My roommate went to high school with Ang."

He nods. "I'm Edward." The smile he gives me is blinding.

"I'm Bella."

We spend all night talking, and when the sun comes up he takes me home to his apartment.

Lips nuzzling my neck.

His hand firmly holding mine.

I never leave the days that follow that.

When We Were Young (Twilight) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara