Chapter 20

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"How much do you love me?" Garrett asks, and there isn't enough coffee in the world to deal with him at the moment. I glance at him, carefully deciding my answer.

"Enough, if you're not up to anything, but not enough to do anything for the next..." I look at my wrist like I'm wearing a watch. "...three days."

Maggie laughs from her spot next to me. "Son, Bella has had a long night."

I can't believe she's telling him this. I should have known; these two will always gang up on me.

He raises his eyebrows. "Explains why she got home at 5 am. Edward?"

Maggie nods, and I look back and forth between them.

"Uh, Hello. Still here."

"So are we." Garrett stares at me in the way he usually does when he wants me to do something for him; like take a client or close late for him.

"First of all, stop talking to Em about me. Second, Edward..." I trail off, not sure on how to continue.

I want you to have the apartment.

The words were sweet but what they mean, what they represent.

He isn't coming back.

"I went to see him. We talked all night. He..." I take a deep breath because I don't know what to think about it all. "He gave me a key to our old apartment... to live there."

"As one would do in an apartment." Gar nods, and I shoot him a glare.

I let my head fall to my counter. "I don't want to think about it now. Why is my love for you in question?"

The smile he gives me and the way he looks at me makes me wish I never asked.

"We need a new exhibit," Maggie answers instead, excitement bubbling, as Garrett says "I want to display your work."

Garrett shoots Maggie a look.

Before I can say anything else, he continues. "You know how I feel about your work. It's good and it's worth showing."

From anyone else, I'd roll my eyes and refuse.

Garrett has done so much for me that I don't have to think about my answer.


Maggie stands up, and takes a deep breath. "Thank goodness!" She holds out her hand when Jess passes and hands her a ten dollar bill.

"She thought you'd say no," she says, walking away but stops to give me a hug first.

Garrett beams at me. "Okay, you get to go home. Get some rest and meet Kate and I for dinner. We have so much to talk about."


I'm not even sure I know where that is anymore.

I go to Rose and Em's apartment in the end. I should at least shower before dinner.

My phone rings at the same time I try to open the door to the apartment. I answer without looking, leaning against the door.



He sounds so tired. "Is everything okay?" I ask, suddenly worried.

I hear the smile in his voice. "It is now." He mumbles it, and I wonder what this even means.

"I told you I would call you. I just got home, and I just... I didn't want to wait to call you any longer than I did."

His words mean more to me than I thought they could.

And suddenly, I want to know everything about his life without me.

"How was your flight?" I ask, afraid of these sudden emotions, and what they mean.

"Long. There was a crying kid a few rows back and he threw up."

I laugh, "Poor thing."

"I'm just glad no one shouted the words 'is there a doctor here?'" He takes a deep breath, "I'm so tired I don't know if I'd remember how to be one."

"Of course you would, it's in your heart."

"So are you, you know." He whispers, but I hear him.

His words make my whole body heat up.

Before I can respond, I hear him muttering "move please" and "thank you".

"Sorry, I sort of got a cat a few months ago. He's a needy little thing."

"How do you sort of have a cat?" I ask, but then I wonder what his answer is when he's asked "Are you married?"

Sort of.

I hit my head against the door.

"It's Carmen's fault, really. I found him in the alley. I don't know if you know but her and Eleazar have a daughter now, Layla. Anyway, Layla found out and insisted that we had to share him. It works out when I'm at work or busy." He explains.

I listen to him speechless and in a deep confusion.

For so long, I thought I was okay with things being in limbo, and being away from him.

I'm not.

I suddenly miss him and his hand in mine.

He asks me about my day again, and I want to tell him. I just don't have the time. "I actually have a meeting. I need to get going... If I don't beat them there, Gar will never let me hear the end of it."

"Okay." He answers, but he sounds distracted.

"Edward?" I ask, "Where do we go from here?"

There's no answer, but then I hear his soft breath and a snore, I just know he's fallen asleep.

I listen to him breathe softly - amazed that we're here; wherever here is.

When I show up at the restaurant, Garrett and Kate are already there.

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