Chapter 12

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Edward stares at me for a minute and then shakes his head.

"It worked out okay if that's what you wanted." He says, standing up.

I watch him; he looks the same but he is an entirely different person. I'm sure he sees the same when he looks at me.

"What I wanted didn't matter." I shake my head; tears make him blurry.

Edward. Charlie healthy and his twitchy mustache. To be home.

"You were the only thing that mattered." he says.


The word shouldn't hurt, but it does.

Before I can say anything; his phone rings and he looks at it before looking back at me.

"I have to go." He says, and I just stare.

"This..." He points between us, "it isn't over. I'll call you."

He walks past Rose who has coffee and donuts in each hand. He kisses her on the cheek and walks out of the room.

"What the fuck?" I say when the door closes.


The Washington air isn't welcoming. I wait for the skies to open up at any time and the hospital looms over me in the distance.

I don't think I've ever felt this angry or betrayed before.

Not when Renee walked out on us as kids. Charlie just hugged Emmett and me, said he would always be there and would move heaven and earth for us.

The longer I stay out here, the more I want to go back and lose my shit. Instead, I call an Uber and decide to go back to Charlies.

Walking into his house feels more like home than I ever felt in Spain. I push away those feelings and just fall onto the sofa. One of his flannel shirts are thrown over the back of the sofa. His belt is by the doorway and his shoes are kicked off to the side.

I pull his flannel around me before I finally drift off to sleep.

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