Visiting the Prestigious High School

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(Sayo POV)
(Hikawa Residents | 5 am)

-Alarm goes off-

I was wakening up by the sound of my phone alarm going off on my table. Before standing up and turn it off, I have to pass my sister sleeping beside me. Yes, Hina is sleeping with me after she asks me during dinner.

After passing the sleeping Hina, I stood up and turn off the alarm. Then I proceed to do my usual stretching in my room. While doing the said stretching, my sister woke up from her wonderful slumber.
Hina: Morning sis!

Sayo: Morning Hina. How was your sleep?

Hina: Bopping as ever!
Hina stood up and arranged the bed for me. Then, she proceeds to kiss me on the cheeks and I did the same. For some reason, both of us normalize the morning kiss. After, I headed straight to my wardrobe to see what will I wear today.
Sayo: Hina.

Hina: Yes?

Sayo: Could we wear this for today? I would like to wear it...

Hina: Is that... Of course!! I got to change now!
Hina runs off to her room and gets changed. As for me, I did the same thing as well. The dress that I will wear is identical to Hina's. We have both the same blue dress with flora patterns that our parents gifted during our birthday last March of this year. But we haven't had the chance to wear it until now.

After changing, I head towards my personal mirror in my room to see myself. When I saw myself in the mirror, I am liking my looks with the dress. Then I heard a knock on my door.
Hina: May I come in sis?

Sayo: Sure, I am done changing.
The door opened and I saw a beautiful sister standing in the doorway with the same dress as I am wearing.
Hina: How do I look?!

Sayo: Wonderful! How about me?

Hina: Same, it is bopping!

Sayo: Let us take a picture and send it to mom and dad.

Hina: Okay!
I grabbed my phone with the stand and place it on my table. Then, I set it to 5 seconds time on it. Then rush back to the side of my sister and the shutter snaps.

After taking the picture, I send it to our parents that are still in Italy doing work-related stuff. When the picture was sent, I started to prepare my stuff. I arranged my phone, my wallet, my sparklence, and my 3 hyper-keys on my table. Then, Hina asks something me.
Hina: Sis, where you will hang your sparklence and your hyper-keys on that dress?

Sayo: I have been working on something that will fit this style and I finished it 2 nights ago.

Hina: What is it?
I open my drawer on my table and get the item that I made last 2 nights. It was a brown leather bag that I made from bare hands and sowing skills. It can house my sparklence and two of my hyper-keys inside while one of the hyper-keys will be in the outside.
Hina: Wow! Your amazing sis!

Sayo: Thanks Hina.

Hina: Come sis, lets us make toast and eggs for breakfast so that we can leave early! We don't want to be stuck at Tokyo Station because of rush hour!

Sayo: You are right.
Hina and I exited my room and head to the kitchen/dining room. Hina started to put slices of bread into the toaster and after she started to cook 2 sunny sides up eggs. As for myself, I boiled water on our electric kettle and prepare 2 plates on the table. Then suddenly, the doorbell rings.
Hina: Eh?! Someone is on the door? That weird it's really early for a visitor besides we didn't expect a guest today.

Sayo: Hina continue what you are doing, I will answer the door.

Hina: Okay...
I left everything that I was currently doing and head straight to the main door. Once I made it, I used the eye hole to see if there is someone, but after I used the eye hole, no one was there. I opened the door to look outside to check if someone is pranking us this early morning.
????: Yow!
I was shocked but quickly calmed down after I saw someone on the left side of the door frame. It was Yoshiko or Yohane who pressed the doorbell.
Sayo: God! You scared the hell out of me Yoshi...

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