28:New Member

354 49 64

SIx Months Later

"Wake up sleepy face.."

"Tae wake up quickly.."

"Five minutes more...plsss"Tae groaned in sleep..

"No..we will be late..wake up..come on.."

"I dont wanna..Let's cuddle..."Tae pulled Jimin closer making him smaller spoon holding him tight..

"Well..I thought you should wake up..as today we gotta go to the adoption agency..but you don't wanna go now.."

"Shit ..I forgot..Let's get up.."Tae got up and turn Jimin towards him..

"I can't wait Minnie!!.."

"Me too..."Jimin hugged him tightly..

"I am so so happy.."

"Same Tae..come on we should take a shower now.."

"And what about my morning kisses ?"

Jimin chuckled and showered his face with sweet kisses..

"Now lemme go to shower.."

"Can I join ?"

"Tae..today I wanna walk properly .."

"Am I that pervert Minnie?"Tae said dramatically..

"Yes Tae.."Jimin rolled his eyes....

"Okk I swear I will not fuck you ..just shower together.."

"Then you are allowed..come in.."

Tae quickly undressed and hopped inside the shower with Jimin..


"Hello Sir.. How can I help You?"

"We are Kim Taehyung and Kim Jimin. We have been told to come here, We have been trying to adopt a baby.."

Currently They are in the adoption agency...after the shower they both dressed up, ate, fed Tannie...dropped Tannie to Kook and Yerin's home and then arrived here..

"Ohh yes...I remember..Follow me.."

They went to a office room...

"You must be Kim Taehyung right?"

"Correct and he is Kim Jimin.."

"All right..I hope you two know why we contacted you.."

"There's a baby that we think you two can adopt.."

"He is only three months old and a boy..His Parent's died in a car accident..and as there's no relatives interested I guess..he was admitted to an orphanage under our brunch five weeks ago..But we don't know anything about him except his date of birth..5th September."  (A/n; How can I spare the opportunity of using the date of 'The VMIN day'....)

"Sir, this baby needs a home, a family,parents..and if you would allow us..we would love to give him that.." Jimin Tae said and Tae agreed..

The man smiled and stood up.."Follow me.."

They went to second floor and entered in a room..

"That's him.." The man pointed a fluff ball covered with white towel slightly moving and blinking at the light..They peeked in the cradle and saw the baby was looking at them with his two big doe eyes and mouth opened..

"Would you guys like to adopt him..?"Jimin looked at tae and both of them smiled..


"Go ahead..Hold him.."

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