Chapter 29 - Right now?!

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No matter what Wong had said, you refused to show the scar. Your closet was still kept the same but some items worn more often than usual.

For the last two days you hadn't come into contact with Strange, thankfully so. How? You may wonder. Well, simply by isolating yourself strictly in your room, busying with work despite Fury ordering you to take a week off. Other interactions were limited to Wong, Loki, Anna, Wanda and Nat who were the most frequent visitors. At one point Peter did drop by- or rather swing by your window to deliver a get-well-soon basket that May and him sorted.

Today was the day to leave, though only to train; your body was in need to let off some sort of agitation on your muscles. You knew at one point or another you'd have to run into him, but as luck would have it, it was exactly when he had decided to use the sanctum's training room.

A vast array of weapons along shelves and training simulators from ancient times recently restored by Tony and Bruce due to boredom quite some time ago. Technological advancements helped you, Stephen and Wong in the past in case others were not available.

But there was only one simulator—fit for more than one sorcerer to use at a time, but not fit if the two sorcerers didn't want to interact at all.

The maroon training robes fit him well, that was for sure. Uniform striking nostalgia from your years in the Kamar-taj, though to be fair you were barely a teenager, fabric loose and baggy in certain areas. The ancient one said the year you turned 15 that from the 3 years you were by her side, you had grown into such a beautiful young woman.

"You are so powerful. Beautiful, smart and kind," she held your hand in hers, a younger Fury and Hill behind you. "Have fun in your new home, you've grown up so much,"

His icy gaze fixed on you the moment the wooden plank creaked from the entrance. Yours? They stayed set on the weapons at hand, as if he were nothing but air. It would have been easy to ignore but the moment his voice slipped out, you were ready to either leave or attack him.

"I'm sorry," he watched as you took the small relic, orange sparks connecting through the linked chains. Your amused exhale, quick and short dismissed his attempt but he was more than determined. "I know what I said... hurt you, and I really didn't mean it- hell, I didn't even know,"

Stepping back, you whip the chain on the ground to test it out, letting your magic swirl to overtake the orange like an artificial sunset. Three chimes from the simulation's set-up device turned Strange's theory of your silent treatment into more of theorem.

"Can we not do this? We aren't high school students, instead of silent treatment let's try and talk?"

"Because it's too childish for you? Do you think I still need to grow up?" You readied your stance, seeing him join in the ring. "Get out,"

"I was going to use this,"

"Then shut up and use it after," you snap back in annoyance. "Strange, I swear to god-" but it was too late, the game had begun and the first holographic shot was fire between you two. Rolling your eyes, your stance lowered, ready for anything. A large blade sliced across the room to bounce off one wall which you caught without looking, focusing on two more robots, a single strike of magic sent them back.

Stephen used a relic to strike down another, the two of you back to back, circling around, unknowingly jumping out to lash at the simulation before moving back. "So can we talk?"

"Right now?!" You snap in frustration, round house kicking a bot towards him which he leashes with the chain, sending back to another 3.

"I need every chance because knowing you, you'll retreat back-" he elbowed another bot and used his shields to dodge a shower of ammunition, "to your room," he huffs.

"Maybe I don't want to talk to you,"

"A bit late for that," he hums mockingly as you send a hologram to strike him, the sorcerer catching it and slinging it away from him. "Really?"

"Leave me alone," the simulation died down as you clicked the button.

"No, because this is ridiculous," he held the relic up to stop you from leaving, your arm wrapping around it and shoving him into an arm lock.

"The only ridiculous thing is how much you're acting to care,"

"I'm," he spins himself around, knocking you down and pinning your arms down on either side, "not acting," Stephen looks down to your glare, the struggle against his grin entertaining him.

"I call bullshit," you spit out with venom. "I know damn well Christine told you to apologize, just like she did that night," you watch his face furrow up. "Don't you remember that? You were just doing what Christine told you to-"

"You really believe that Christine told me to do that?" Utter disbelief, Strange clicked his tongue. "You're an idiot, seriously. I did that on my own accord and said Christine told me because I didn't want you thinking I actually meant it,"

"Why? Because you had a reputation to hold up?" Locking your leg under his, a single flip over gave you the advantage. "How long did that little lie take to make up?"

"For once in your life would you actually believe me?? I didn't make that up!" He barks back with a burning frustration. "I felt bad! Is that such an difficult concept to take into consideration? That I care for you??"

"Well you're awfully horrible at showing it! You called me such awful things and always express how much you hate me!" By this point you were struggling to hold back your emotions you masked with anger. "I thought we were friends- I actually liked you and you keep going over and over about how Christine is better than me in every way!" Shouting those last words, you took into consideration the argument, your grip tight against his wrists. "I know I'll never be her, but don't give me hope that you may like me like you love her,"

Stephen grabs you just before you could move away, hands taking hold of yours as you snap your glass-like eyes to him. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't act dumb," you sniffle, watching him get more and more confused. "Are you going to make me say it?" Clenching your jaw and looking down, you felt his fingers intertwine with yours. "I like you... and more than just friends... actually a lot more than-"


Don't worry, I didn't rob you :)

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Don't worry, I didn't rob you :)

- Anna ❤️

Only a scar: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now