Chapter 14 - De Nile

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"BBC Sherlock," Peter sits on the couch as everyone relaxes on the couches of the tower cinema.

"So Arthur Conan Doyle's books in the modern age?" Bucky tilts his head as Peter tries to find the show.

"Nerd!" You toss a piece of popcorn at the soldier who catches it, flipping you off easily.

"You'll love Sherlock, Y/n, just your type," Anna nudges you.

"How so?" You narrow your eyes suspiciously.

"Confident, cocky, sarcastic and incredibly smart," Vision lists off making you deadpan, his voice trailing off.

"I'll shut you down like a Windows computer,"

Vision widens his eyes before moving further from you. Finally, Peter found the show and your eyes furrow at the sight of the cover; it wasn't clear but now all you need to do was to watch the episode. "Everyone comfy?"

"As we'll ever be," you lean back as Strange sat beside you, his arm resting on the back of the couch. Despite this, you were still a fair bit apart until Anna stretched to push you two a little closer. "Wow, why not take up the whole couch, Watson," you grumble, maneuvering with a small sorry said to the sorcerer who shrugs with hints of pink in his cheeks.

The moment the episode played, you were intrigued while the group grinned. Then a simple unzipping and you tilted your head to better see the character until he turned around.

"We'll start with the riding crop,"

Again, your brain wracked but your mouth spoke for you; "I really want to make a horny joke,"

"Saying kinky doesn't count as a joke," Clint chimes in.

"Not..." before you could finish, Sherlock started to repeatedly hit the body. "I'm going to take a rain check on this convo, there are more pressing matters to attend to," you take a sharp breath and lean forward.

"Afghanistan or Iraq?"

Pursing your lips slightly you smile slightly at the scene as Strange rolled his eyes. "Show off," the sorcerer mumbles.

"Shush, shut up," you wave him away. "Peter, I'm buying you two Lego sets, I think I found my new favorite show,"

"Interesting story or hot main character?" Tony asks.

"Yes," you reply simply. "Hey, Anna, got any book recommendations?"

"Sending you my list now..." she hums as Loki stares down in offence. "Don't even try and slander me, princess,"

"Few minutes in and you already want fanfiction," Bruce lets his head drop into a cushion.

"Yeah, if they made fanfiction about String theory you'd jump on that shit faster than if someone said that dick was a 10/10..." your phone chimed as you hand Anna a chocolate bar, the writer stopping Mr. Assmerica from scorning you.

"So, Y/n, thoughts on Sherlock?"

"Pretty eyes, pretty hair, pretty cheekbones, pretty man," leant back into the couch, your body was a little closer to Strange. "Something oddly familiar about him but I can't really put my finger on it." Just as Thor was about to explain, Peter webbed his mouth shut, shaking his head sternly making the thunder god nod in slight fear as Nat raised a taser.

"You'll figure it out soon enough," Wanda pats your head from behind.

"You have any idea?" You whisper to Strange who shrugs.

"Maybe someone you saw on a mission,"

"Maybe," you turn back to the screen, a small chill in the air suddenly rising up. Curling your legs into the hoodie, you lean into Strange and mutter, "cold."

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