Chapter 27 - Stabbing time?

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"Okay, who's getting murdered?" Anna raised a blade she stole from Loki's collection as the god himself sat in the passenger seat, holding the matching one.

"Just drive please," you sink into the seat with a sniffle. "Please,"

Anna looked to Loki who nods. "Got it," she pulled out of the parking space and down the road while Loki conjured a teddy bear for you.

He blinks a few times when you shook your head at it. Loki cracked his knuckles before shape-shifting into a cat, hopping into the backseat and into your arms which earned a small laugh from you. "You didn't have to,"

Loki makes a few meows which Anna laughs at, "he says he's willing to do anything to cheer you up," she elaborates. "And I am too,"

"Thanks guys," running your hand over his fur, you let him hop off your lap and into she seat beside you, shape-shifting back.

"Come here," he takes you into a hug as Anna pulls into a McDonald's driveway. "Can you get us two happy meals, Darling?" Loki hums to Anna while holding you tight.

"I'm getting a black coffee and leaving..." she caught the deadly glares from you both. "Me almighty, ever heard of a joke?" She scoffs, ordering three happy meals. "Toy?"

"Can I have the Bulbasaur toy?" You murmur.

"Get me the Snorlax," Loki whispers, Anna getting the order and passing two meals back. "So, who hurt you?"

"No one," you murmur while Anna finds her way towards the sanctum, parking out front, catching your glares to the building fueled by the unsure thought if Stephen was back or not.

"Oh..." Anna mumbles.

"Oh," the culprit clicks in Loki's head, the god taking the dagger back out. "Alright, considering he's a magician, for his final trick, let's make him disappear,"

"Or, we don't," Anna turns back in the front seat. "At least until we know exactly what he did," she gestures to Loki who teleports all three to your room. Suddenly the once joyful room felt suffocating as you stagger to the bed and slump on, groaning at the pain in your sides.

"Tell us what happened," Loki sat back in your bed with Anna while Anna let you lay in her arms.

"It's stupid really," stuffing a decent amount of fries in your mouth, you go on, "I mean I didn't even like him! So why am I so pissed he kissed her? He's known Christine longer anyways- Wait, I'm not mad about that!" you do a double take, sipping at your drink and huffing.

Loki looks down to Anna who holds back a smile. "So what are you mad about?" The writer asks, her sly tone slipping by your radar.

"He told me to grow up! Everything fucking thing I do is childish in his eyes! I try so hard to do my best, all my life it was 'no, wrong', 'not good enough' and 'do it again', and Mr magic man learns in a few months then boom he's sorcerer supreme?!"

"Can I stab him yet?" Loki whispers to Anna who shakes her head.

"I'm childish because I stand up to him? I'm childish because I have a sense of humor? Because I choose to have fun considering I didn't have the chance to when I was younger? He had it all, then none and now back to it all, and here I am... never having had anything remotely close..." another round of sorrow washed over you, thoughts clouded as your sight blurred. "I just want to be myself,"

"Stab time?" Loki looks pleadingly as Anna ignored him, rubbing your good arm comfortingly.

"Listen to me, Stephen isn't usually like this. Now, don't get me wrong, what he said was out of line and wrong in every sense but he cares about you," Anna puts away the meals and hugs you softly, kissing the crown of your head. "We all care about you, but at the end of the day what people say shouldn't bother you- it's never bothered you before so why start now?"

"Love yourself before you start loving others," Loki hums, "I learned to love and accept myself before I could even consider loving Anna, she knew that and helped me,"

"I know exactly what you're all going to say about self-love," Anna deadpans to the readers. "Keep it civil and don't be rude, this is for anti's and pro's, respect one another, we are all still people and have feelings,"

"And with love comes acceptance, and if one does not truly love you, they cannot accept you as your true love would," He pokes your nose when you look up. "Alright?"

"Yeah... I guess," rubbing against your drowsy eyes, you felt them squeeze just a little to assure you. "Mind helping me with this?" You mumble into their arms, gesturing to the bandage.

"You're lucky Bruce taught me about this," Loki conjured on some latex gloves and sat you up while Anna held your hand. "I must say Doctor Cho has quite the brains to be able to create this," he removed the silicon, placing it in a small bag along with the bandages.

"Send that to Bruce and run the bath," Anna nods for Loki to go ahead, clicking into her hands a small green paste. "Stole the recipe from Wong, don't tell him," she winks, slathering it over your wound.

"Thank you,"

"It's no problem, we're your best friends, we're always here for you," Anna kisses your temple with a smile. "Now, I'll get Loki to make some tea and I'll order some pizza just for you,"

"And I'll get ice cream as well!" Loki adds on after making sure the temperature was right.

"If Wong hasn't eaten it all," you scoff jokingly.

"We love you, okay?" Anna scrunches her nose up.

"And would kill for you," Loki adds on again, jumping away before Anna could elbow him in the side. "HA! Nice try,"

"Who said that was me?" Anna pops up beside him, hitting the back of his head, her illusion falling away. "Are you proud?"

"Oh, darling, this is wonderful! I'm so proud of you!" His eyes were bright in joy as he hugged Anna tight, your heart strings tugging. "We'll get your comfort food here as soon as possible, alright? But again, we love you and are here for you," Loki smiles softly, rubbing his thumb on your cheek and kissing your crown. "Now-"

"No, still not stabbing Strange," Anna shakes her head, walking off and out your room.

"Come on!" Loki throws his hands in the air. "Can you believe I live with this thing?" He scoffs.

"This thing cooks you breakfast, so unless you want to starve, I suggest you shut up!" Anna calls once down the hall.

"I take it back... ish," Loki winks before ruffling your head. "Go relax, and enjoy some time alone," he was gone soon enough.

Your half-tilted smile fell soon, your arms rubbing either side as you move into the bathroom. Those two were so sweet to you, to each other. Why couldn't you have that? All you wanted was someone to hold you like Loki held Anna, care for you like Pepper cared for Tony, adore you like Peter adores MJ.

You wanted someone.

And that someone, you knew deep, deep down, was Stephen. As luck would have it... another thing you couldn't have.


You ask- more like screamed and demanded so here is another chapter! :D

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You ask- more like screamed and demanded so here is another chapter! :D

- Anna ❤️

Only a scar: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now