Chapter 12 - Columbia Uni?

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"You're finally going to kill me," you sigh in dismay, covering both eyes with your hands.

"Shut up," Stephen unlocks the rooftop door and leads you out carefully, holding your hand gently. "Okay... now," he pushes you the right way before stopping, stepping back. "Go ahead,"

Fluttering your eyes open, in seconds the glow stops blinding you, instead showing a perfect view of the sunset. "Woah," disbelief is shown from one simple short exhale. "I mean- this is really... just- woah," you walk to the railing and lean forward to peer at the street below.

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it! Why didn't you show me before??"

"Never thought to... Forgot it existed, actually,"

"Evidently," you look at the dying plants and rusting metal.

"Never really appreciated sunsets," he admits, sitting on the bench. "Might do so more often,"

"They're a 'blink and you'll miss it' type of thing, especially when you work so much," moving back to sit with him, dark clouds flooded above headed to welcome the moon. "Thank you, Stephen," you mutter under your breath.

"You're-" he suddenly held his breath when you kissed his cheek. "You're welcome," he finishes, turning to you with a small smile while you focused on the horizon. "Cold?"

"It's New York," you gesture to the city while he takes his sling ring, he created a small portal, taking a hoodie and handing it to you.

"Didn't want to give you my paint covered one," he gestures to it.

"For a doctor, you're sickeningly sweet," curling against him once it was on, his arm moved to hold you closer.

"I'm going to be rich when I sell these to Anna," Wong murmurs after snapping a few photos. Moving back into the sanctum, he creaks the door open as if he had just arrived, expecting exactly what had happened: Stephen moved away from you just as you had done to him earlier.

"Dinner here?" Stephen looks at his friend questioningly.

"Not yet, just wondering where you two went,"

"We were just coming back down," standing up, you walk to him with a smile as Strange stood, holding back a similar complexion.


"Welcome to mi casa," you shove the team in days later once they were all free. "Pretty spacey huh?"

"Not bad," Anna immediately jumped onto the bed with a big 'oof'.

"I have chalk, an empty wall, go crazy," you lay the pieces down in a small tray and point to the wall. "Hey! Leave that alone," you smack Tony's hand away from correcting the marks Stephen made the first time

"Not my fault you can't draw" he scoffs making you hit him again.

"Next time I'll hit you with a shovel," you snarl playfully making him back away. Anna gives the team a wink while Nat whispers to Tony who forms an 'o' with his mouth. "Stick figures, stupid words, I don't care, go wild," you grab a piece and draw a person next to Cap shield, writing 'Cap's shield' under the shield and 'Clint's shield' under the person who turned out to be Pietro.

"This is a hate crime," Pietro's jaw drops as Anna tossed you the speaker, you phone playing Paper rings yet again. For some reason you couldn't get it out your head, something about the song reminding you of something you couldn't grasp at.

Handing Strange a blue bit of chalk, you dance subtly with him, nudging him once or twice while drawing a mini stick-figure version of him. In retaliation, he drew a mini version of you, it had a slightly distorted frame which made him cringe but you linked your pinky with him to assure him.

Only a scar: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now