Chapter 11 - Paint

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"Morning, Wong," Strange yawns. "Morning, Y/n,"

"Morning, dumbass," you smile, putting some eggs onto and plate and sliding it to him. "How did you sleep?"

"Much better, thank you," he returned your smile, grabbing some utensils from beside you.

Wong, despite never paying attention, caught onto this immediately. He wrote a quick note and let it turn up in Nat's hands.

"Anna, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it," she whispers as Anna passed by.

"I don't know what I did, but I'm assuming it was looking sexy per-usual,"

"Any plans for today?" Wong asks as he usually did, though this time caring a bit more.

"Work," you shrug, pouring water from the kettle into a mug and letting green tea steep then handing it to Stephen. "It's good for you, Doc," you reason once he gave an unsure glance.

"Do I at least get to put honey?"

"Nope," you quip with a smirk, walking off while Strange watches you walk away with a soft smile.

"What was that?" Wong blurts out.

"What was what?" Stephen looked to his friend.

"That," he gestures between Stephen and you.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Strange took his plate and tea before walking off with a half-smile.


"Okay, so I got off work early," you explain with a nervous chuckle.

"Doesn't explain why you have cans of paint," Wong crosses his arms. "You're not painting the sanctum,"

"Seriously? I always wanted to paint the halls neon yellow," Strange pouts sarcastically while passing.

"Oh, shove it, Strange," you stick your tongue out which he mimics. "Can I at least paint your rooms?"

"You can paint your room, that's all,"

"Can you at least help me?" You beg with puppy dog eyes.

"No, ask Stephen," Wong shoos you away. "That was close," he clung a hand on his chest, thankful he got away from your puppy dog eyes just in time.

"That's a no from me too, sorry," Strange appears again, giving a mocking head pat before following to where Wong left to.

"If you don't help me I'm never making dinner again!" You sing out smugly, hearing their footsteps rush to you. "That's better,"


Plastic covered a majority of your room, minus your walls, with tape running to section parts off. Dressed in fitting attire, Stephen was in casual old clothing as Wong was still in his robes, not bothering much.

"Music time," Paper rings started flow from your speaker on top of your bed. "Let's do this," cracking open the first can of paint, you poured it into a pan and started to roll the brush to coat.

"This is your music?"

"Shut up before I paint your silly goatee white," you warn as he raises a frightened hand. "Come on, Wong, you know this song,"

"Sadly, she is right," Wong shrugs. "One, two, one, two, three, four,"

"I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings!" You belt out as Wong sung quietly. "That's right, darling, you're the one I want," splatters of white hit the stripped walls. "Oh, come on, have fun," you deadpan.

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