Chapter 38

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Song: It's Been a Long, Long Time (Kitty Kallen)


(10 years later)

The morning light streamed through the windows as my eye fluttered open. Turning I saw a strong hand holding my waist in place, a metal band-like ring pushing softly against my skin. Seeing the person wearing said ring made me smile uncontrollably as I thought of him.

My husband Paul.

It had now been well over 8 years since we got married but still, waking up to him every morning felt like it did the first time all those years ago.

"Yknow, I heard photos last longer." He hummed pulling me so I was flush against his bare chest.

"Ya, maybe I'll take one. With all these wrinkles popping up I can't assume I'll get to wake up to this for much longer." I grinned back.

He only chuckled as he opened his eyes and pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder then up my neck all the way to my lips.


"Morning." We smiled into the kiss which may have been getting slightly heated but before anything else could happen, our bedroom door was aggressively pushed open. We listened to the pitter-patter on the floor until finally two figures jumped up and landed on either of our stomachs.

"Good Morning Mama!" The 5-year-old on top of me sang.

"Good Morning Dad!" A 7-year-old on top of Paul mimicked.

"Good morning Selena, good morning William." Paul cooed taking both the children in his grasp and amusing their childish minds.

Selena Joseph Lahote was our firstborn and looked like a mini-me but with slightly darker skin. Her eyes were hazel and her hair framed her cute face in slightly wavy curls. She was definitely daddy's little girl.

William on the other hand was a mama's boy. If that means wrestling with your mom and pulling pranks and stunts with her, that is. However, despite that, the only thing he got from me were his eyes. Besides that, he was the spinning image of his father.

"Mama guess what." William perked up as he crawled back over to me.

"What's up Kiddo?" I responded happily as I stretched out my torso, yawning.

"Today is my birthday!" He cheered happily.

"No, no, no. I specifically remember your birthday was last year." I smirked, messing with his longish hair.

"Maaamaaaa, no. My birthday happens every year." He drawled back.

"Ya ya, I know. So birthday boy, what do you want for breakfast?" I finally got out of bed pulling William up with me as I steadied him on my hip.

"Can you make me pancakes?" William pulled out his best puppy dog eyes.

"Alright what do you guys say? Pancakes?" The room nodded in agreement as I threw William over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Alright then. TO THE KITCHEN!" I exasperated in my best pirate voice. William only giggled as I ran through the hall of our bungalow.

Just before turning a corner into the kitchen, I came across two placks with framed photos beside each one.

My two MMA world championships. Both of which I won.

My career had taken off slowly especially after having two kids, getting married, and starting up the Gym with Ray but Two years ago I finally got the chance to compete and I won. Twice if you include the year after that. Now, I was waiting for the season to come back around where I had an instant invite back to the preliminaries. And I intended to win.

But for now, it was my son's birthday. So, today was his day.

"Alright Selena, I want you on flipping duty, Paul get the bacon cooking, I'll make the batter." I planned out our course of action and sat William in his favourite chair.

We got to work singing along to the radio and whatever played until finally, it was time to eat.

After breakfast, I sent the kids out to play while Paul and I got the house ready for Will's birthday party. The whole reserve was coming over as well as the Cullens, so we had a lot of prepping to do but with me and Paul working, it didn't take too long.

By the time we finished people were starting to file in while Selena came running back with Will close in tail.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted the large group of people including the Cullens, and of course Bree. Jasmine and Jacob with their own 5-year-old son, Lucas. Emily and Sam with their 9-year-old Damion and 3-year-old triplets, Brianna, Peyton, and Lily. Jared and Kim with their 7-year-old Jaxon. Leah with an imprint of her own, Zach, and a newborn baby Catalina. And the rest of the pack.

On top of that, Jennifer came with a now 15-year-old Maxi and Claire, as well as Charlie and Ray with Billy, wheeled in front.

Everybody was here with presents for William as they all came to greet the boy and slowly everyone eased into the party.

We spent the afternoon play fighting, playing soccer, eating good food and enjoying each other's company just like old times, only now with children involved.

"Your Sons getting so big now." Rosalie approached with a soft smile.

"Ya well don't worry. If that kid is anything like me he'll be needing a babysitter until he graduates." I laughed as she joined in slightly.

"It's true, the boy knows how to roughhouse." Leah joined our conversation with baby Catalina held in her arms eventually the baby found its way to Rosalie who we tried to give as much time with the kids as possible.

"He's already taken me down a few times." Jared rushed over in an attempt to wrestle me to the ground but as always, it ended in a play fight between the two of us.

"I think your wife might be a vampire." I heard Carlisle say to Paul making him chuckle slightly. "I mean seriously, You'd think that having two kids would slow her down but I think it made her more energetic than before."

Everyone nearly doubled over at the comment while me and Jared steadied ourselves once back on our feet.

Looking around I saw Paul getting along with the Cullens, All the kids playing together, Leah and Bree talking like old friends, Jacob and Jasmine being lovey-dovey like always, and our beautiful house surrounded by it all.

This was where I wanted to grow old. In this little sliver of time where everything felt right.

I knew it wouldn't last but I also knew that with the love of my life and my chosen family by my side, we could make it. And as I looked up to the sky I wished only that my father could see me here and now as I whispered a little prayer for him.

"I made it, Dad. I'm finally home."

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