Chapter 6

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Song: Love is Strange (Mikey & Sylvia)


"Boys We're home!" I called to the group of boys sitting at my kitchen table.

"Hey hun, what kept you out?" Sam rushed over giving me a sweet kiss to the lips and forehead.

"I met two of the strangest people I think I'll ever meet. And now they're our new friends, isn't that right claire." I smiled at the little girl who cutely agreed.

"Oh really, How'd you meet? also who were they?" Jared asked from his spot on the table.

"Well, there was an issue at school that Claire and her new friend Maxi were involved in so I got to meet Maxi and her aunt who is actually Chief Swan's Niece, Aurora Swan." The room went silent at the mention of another Swan girl but I was quick to shut them down from any Ideas involving the Cullens as I Continued. "She's staying with her Uncle at the moment But she's from California. Actually, you guys might know her by her stage name."

"Well then tell us." Paul cautioned, clearly wary of the girl. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics before saying her name.

"Rory Rebel."


(Earlier that day)

"Ah, Ms. Young, Ms. Swan. I'm glad I caught you two." The girls' Teacher Ms. Helen Approached, with an angry mother in tow. Just behind the lady was what I'm assuming was her indifferent Husband holding their son in his arms. The boy had definitely suffered a bleeding nose and from the bruise forming around it, I had a feeling something bad had happened.

"Sorry, but by any chance are you, Rory Rebel. like, the MMA fighter?" The husband spoke up.

"In the flesh. and always happy to meet a fan." Rory smiled with an extended hand that the man gladly shook. I couldn't say I was too surprised by the newfound information with Rory's rather chaotic, live-in-the-moment behaviour but still. It wasn't something I was expecting.

"Well Ms. Swan, I don't mean to ruin the mood or anything but it seems Josh here had a run-in with your niece Maxi, and Claire as well."

The teacher barely got to finish before the mother stepped in, a seething mess. "By that, she means that your devil child Punched my precious son!" The woman fumed but as I looked over at Rory I saw an all too familiar look in her eyes. the type of look in Paul's eyes before he'd have one of his rage fits. So quickly I grabbed her shoulder and Watched as Maxi came back over with Claire this time grabbing Rory's hand with a worried expression.

"That really too bad, maybe you'd feel more at ease with a matching Injury so your kid doesn't feel so left out. I bet it would really bring out the Psycho in your eyes." Rory all but growled at the woman making her step back.

She looked down at the boy and urged him to step forward where she took a closer look at his nose. The mother was about to protest but her husband strategically stopped her.

"Honey, she's not someone you want to get into one of your fits with," he whispered

"Are you really taking her side right now?!"

"I'm not taking a side but this woman is a trained MMA fighter, she knows how to deal with Injuries and If she really wanted to she could really hurt you." His statement almost made me laugh aloud at how Rational he was being but I was grateful nonetheless.

"It wasn't hard enough to cause any internal bruising. I'd say just try to ice it an hour a day. It will get some nasty discolouration but you'll be fine if you can avoid touching it as much as possible besides icing it." She guided him back to his father before turning to Maxi. "Now, why did you punch him."

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