Chapter 16

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Song: Mr. Blue (The Fleetwoods)


I Ended up staying at Emily's place all night.

Rory had decided to stay the night with her niece because she wasn't sure she could face Bella again that day.


I didn't even think it was possible. But it happened.

That day in the forest when we all watched her fend off a vampire for that leech-loving cousin of hers. She instantly picked up on Jared's Identity but that wasn't the surprising part. It was when our eyes met that something changed.

More specifically, Gravity changed. For me at least.

That woman looked into my eyes and suddenly every moral I had was forgotten. Every girl I had been with, Every person I'd found attractive just disappeared. None of them held a candle to the blond in front of me. And at that moment, I fell for her confidence, her eyes, her voice, her attitude. Everything.

I Imprinted on Aurora Rebel Swan.

Even just saying her name or hearing her say mine felt right. It was amazing. Almost as much as it was terrifying.

Around 4 am I walked into the kitchen after a sleepless night and to my surprise, I found the very person that had been swarming my mind.

I made myself known with a cough as she jumped from her spot in front of the fridge.

"Jesus Paul." She mumbled. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Heh. sorry bout that," I responded awkwardly, but I didn't really know what else to say. "Are you ok?"

She looked at me before tilting her head. "I will be."

It's funny how she had an episode of her own mere minutes after giving me a speech about why it wasn't my fault but still, I knew the anger didn't just disappear. Because even as I looked down at her now well-wrapped arm, I was still angry with myself and I knew that would scar. so there would forever be a reminder of our rough start.

While I was thinking, she hopped onto the table in front of me and forced eye contact.

"What?" I asked.

"Ok, Don't ask why, but I feel like you're the only one here who will willingly tell me what I need to know so, please. Tell me you can answer some of my questions at least." She pleaded from her spot.

I would've rather kept her away from all this but I had a feeling that wasn't the type of person she was. And it made my proud to think I was the first she went to for information. So, reluctantly I decided to answer her questions. After all, it was better than her trying to snoop around.

"Alright... Ask away." I sat down, and like magic, she pulled a bag of Emily's Doritos from behind her and offered me a few.

"I'm just gonna spitfire the questions, is that ok?" She suggested to which I agreed. And with that, we began.

"Are Vampires real?"



"Shape-shifters but yes."

"Are the Cullen's vampires?"


"Was Bella knowingly dating a vampire?"


"Has Bella ever been hurt by a Vampire?"


GIRLS BREATHE FIRE - Paul LahoteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt