Chapter 15

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Song: They Can't Take That Away From Me (Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong)


"So... why did you jump in front of paul? I mean... most people would've run screaming the minute they saw someone turn into a wolf." Embry looked at me from the passenger seat of my truck as I sighed.

"I already knew. Jared is the dark brown wolf, you're the light grey one. Paul obviously is the darker grey one, Jacod is auburn, Quil is brown, and your leader-"

"Sam." He corrected.

"right, Sam is the black one."

"Is that why you gave Jared a bleeding nose, which by the way was very impressive." Embry smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you and yes. I don't like being kept in the dark about things. Especially when I'm certain of my suspicions."

"Ok, but you still haven't answered my question."

By now we had taken about 16 detours because of our conversation but we didn't really mind. Putting aside the wound obviously. Eventually, we pulled into the driveway of the house we had been directed to but Embry still watched me expectantly. I looked back at him then down to the sleeping girl in his arms.

"For her." I started. "For Maxi, I don't care if it's a bullet or a beast I'm jumping in front of. So long as she's ok, I can live or die happy."

I smiled at her adoringly before shaking her awake but not before earning a look of astonishment from the boy.

"I'm starting to understand why people have so much respect for you." He mumbled while getting out of the car and putting the sleepy girl down.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the comment as I walked around the car.

I guess everyone had gotten here before us and Heard our car coming in because as we approached the house I got tackled by a familiar woman.

"Aurora Rebel Swan, don't you EVER scare me like that again!!" Emily sobbed into my chest as I chuckled at the sight. Claire had attached herself to my leg with a big smile and Maxi beside her while Emily squeezed her arms tightly around my torso making sure to leave out my arms.

"Missed you too Gorgeous." I smiled down at her before looking up to see the faces of everyone, most likely confused by her nickname. "I asked her out at the beginning of the year. We made a whole joke about it. I mean, it's not funny unless you can laugh about it right?"

Emily chuckled before moving to my side, her tear-stricken face still gleaming as always.

She wasted no time beginning to introduce everyone in the lively lot. I got a lot of handshakes from the boys who apparently were all fans of mine, but one of my handshakes came from a girl named Kim accompanied by a 'thank you for knocking some sense into Jared' which made everyone laugh at the man who was still trying to clean up the blood. She stopped once announcing the final name, A.K.A, Paul, and I wanted to talk to him but I couldn't with Emily pulling me into the house.

That being said I was finally able to make out his appearance and damn was I happy about that.

This guy was hot. Like Channing Tatum in Step up type hot. His Skin was an even Russett tone that fit nicely with his well-Built body, And his hair short but messy only added to his appearance. His face was strong and defined. And then there were his eyes.

Those eyes held passion that I rarely got the chance to see. And they were looking straight at me with every emotion known to man running through them.

That man was an enigma in himself.

GIRLS BREATHE FIRE - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now