Chapter 33

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Song: I Can't Help Myself (The Four Tops)


I hate this dress

I hate this makeup

I hate these 6-inch heels

I hate this stupid ring

This stupid dark-brown-dyed hair.

These stupid people

This stupid venue

But most of all that bitch of a mother and bitch of a fiancé.

Thoughts much like these though a lot less kid-friendly ran through my head every minute leading up to the hour of 4 pm.

The hour of my wedding.

2 months had gone by agonizingly slow but lucky for me I only had to see Leslie and Dalton a total of one day a week.

Yet still, each day felt like a month, every hour felt like a day, and every fibre in my body wanted me to run from everything but I knew I couldn't because I knew that the minute I ran, Leslie would make a b-line for forks and La push. And without a second thought, she would go after everyone I knew like rabbits in a wolf den.

Slowly I paced back and forth outside the ceremony hall as four large bodyguards kept me from walking too far away. It was aggravating but I knew that at this point there was no getting out. Leslie had done everything in her power to continue the Swan Law form over the years but now it was time she passed it down to the next generation. AKA, whatever husband I had.

It was stupid how the world worked, and I had lost all hope.

The music started queuing that it was my turn to now walk down the aisle, but I walked down it with no father by my side to hand me off. No man to care enough about who it is that I marry.

I wasted little time approaching the alter and no matter how much the audience urged it, I didn't smile. Why would I while my entire persona slowly disintegrated?

The ceremony went on for a literal hour of this man talking about God, and Jesus, and all things a catholic would believe before finally, he got to us saying our vows. where quietly I recited mine with boredom in my tone and murder in my eyes.

It was the final moment of any hope I had. The one where The priest looked towards the crowd and said

"If you object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

I quickly did a once over to see not a single familiar face stand but just as the priest turned to continue his speech the grand doors of the church swung open and a bright light from the outside cascaded through the room.

Outside stood a group of people both tall and short, heavy and skinny. But despite their differences, they seemed to all have one opinion in common to share.

An opinion that the man in front said with such gusto, the very air was knocked out of my lungs.



(1 month earlier)


"You've got to be shitting me." Jared roared as he began to storm around the house.

"Jared, what are you doing?!" Emily tried to stop his rampage but he only continued.

It had been no more than 10 minutes since my statement about Rory and her newly found right to everything her father owned. And so far, everything had gone to shit.

"What do you mean?! Aurora is waiting for us to get her out of there. And the longer we wait, the longer she is left there in that- that place. More importantly, she doesn't know!"

Jared and Emily continued rambling on but eventually the voices all blurred. No matter how many people joined in, no matter how many ways they put it, the same sentences still stood out.

"She needs us."

"There's nothing we can do."

"We have to try."

"She needs to know."

The room began to spin as the thoughts began to cloud my own judgement. Could we really help her? Was she gone forever? The scariest thought to me was the fact that I didn't know the answer.

This was my imprint we were talking about and regardless of how void I seemed, every minute without her was driving me further into a pit. Her face seemed to just appear in front of me but only for long enough for me to reach out. Her voice became the voice of my own thoughts and her scent corrupted my senses despite her not being here.

It hurt so much, I felt like I was dying.

That's when something clicked. Digging into the backs of my brain remembered something Rory had said to me not so long ago.

"We're not going for her."

The room steadied and suddenly all eyes were on me. A few people stuttered, while others just let their jaw drop. However, I paid it no mind.

"Why not?" Quil spoke up for the rest of the group.

"To win a war you have to make the battlefield your bitch. And the best time to do that is during the battle's most crucial moment." Quil just watched me confused before I continued. "Rory said that to me a while back and I never understood what it meant until now... If we actually want to get her back, we need to do it in the most crucial moment. In other words, we need to save her on her wedding day." I explained dully.

"But if we get her now, we'll have more time to plan a way to take down Leslie." Jacob included.

"Sure but if she comes at us legally, our only advantage is Jennifer. Leslie is literally the CEO of a law firm. Trust me, if we give her any time to throw a punch she'll make sure to flatten la push with us. That being said if we can get to Aurora on her wedding day, All we have to do is let her know about her inheritance and Leslie loses every bit of leverage she has. Besides, I have a feeling Rory will want to make a scene of this, just because she's Rory." My plan was now out in the open as everyone pondered the idea.

Their eyes shifted with their thoughts looking from me to everyone else in the room before finally, Sam gave the order.

"Ok, we'll go with Paul's plan."


(Right before the wedding)

Over that past month, I had gotten more and more desperate to see her. But it still brought me some peace to know I'd at least see her today.

We had Jennifer listening in on the ceremony waiting for the priest to ask for the objections because if we were gonna do this, we were gonna do it right.

"Ok, it's now or never." She finally spoke up.

I wasted no Time practically kicking open the doors to roar as strongly as I could "I OBJECT TO THIS UNION!" but before I could continue my eyes found Rory. Her hair was dyed back to its original chocolate locks and it was pulled back into an elegant bun. Her dress although definitely a little too excessive, defined her curves and only added to her beauty. Even in what could've been her darkest moment, she looked radiant.

Our eyes met and quite literally I felt like I had imprinted again. Just like the first time, she once again became my everything.

"Aurora." I practically whispered, but somehow amongst the crowd of whispers, she heard my desperate call and didn't waste another minute before kicking off her pumps and running to me.

I ran with just as much longing until finally, our bodies collided in an embrace.

And despite everything happening around us, I finally felt at peace.

GIRLS BREATHE FIRE - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now