Chapter 11

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Song: Mister Sandman (The Chordettes)


"So, 'Face Punch', huh? You like action movies?" Jacob asked from where He stood beside me

"Not really," I responded absentmindedly

"I heard it sucks. Bad." He Admitted

"Hey, are you even old enough to see this movie?  I mean, you know, without adult supervision?" Mike was clearly getting tired of being left out but I couldn't be bothered to care. Rather my mind was still on that fight between me and Rory. It had been days and she had refused to even acknowledge my presence.

I tried asking my dad to make her apologize but he said that her feelings weren't his responsibility and that I needed to "sort it out myself." What he didn't know was that I was still shaken from it.

That being said I didn't feel the need to apologize. Because I was right.


I was the one struggling right now and Jacob had been there for me, that was it. But I couldn't get her words out of my head.

"Or here's an idea. Maybe He'll be the one to leave you. Maybe he'll get tired of being your only fucking friend and move on with his life like you should've been doing. So what will you do then, once Your only friend is gone? Go back to having Night terrors and sulking about everything wrong with your life?."

She couldn't have been right... Jacob wouldn't leave me like that. He would always be my Best Friend.

Best Friend...


We weren't even 20 minutes into the movie when Mike jumped up mumbling about how he felt sick to which we both reluctantly followed him out. As we waited there for mike to come out Jacob struck up a conversation which as always flowed easily. But then Something happened.

"I feel bad. He probably has that flu that's...  ...going around." I looked down to find his hand linking itself with my own. Our eyes met and suddenly everything was all to clear

"What? I can't hold your hand?" He joked lightly but I know he was to an extent, serious.

"Of course, you can.  I just think it means something really different to you" I shied away from his gaze but he wouldn't look away and began to lead a conversation that I wasn't ready to have.

"Jake, please...don't do this." I begged him but all he could do was ask me "why?" in return.

"Because you are about to ruin everything.  And I need you."

"Well, I've got loads of time.  I'm not gonna give up." His words were sweet with this honesty to them. It made me feel calm and pulled me in.

"I don't want you to.  But...  It's just because I don't want you to go anywhere.  It's... it's really selfish.  You know, I'm not like a car that you can fix up." I confessed as I felt the waves of shame run over me. And yet he never looked away.

"I'm never gonna run, right?  So I should be fair to you.  It's because of him, right?... Look, I know what he did to you.  But, Bella... I would never, ever do that.  I won't ever hurt you. I promise.  I won't let you down.  You can count on me."

He leaned in.

And I couldn't lean away.

like magnets, we pulled together until finally.

"I need to go home.  I'm... I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?" Mike walked out of the bathroom causing me to abruptly stand up. Jacob stood to but he seemed... angry.

"What is your problem?" Mike seemed to notice too as he not so kindly pointed it out.

"Right now?  You are my problem.  Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital.  Do you want me to put you in the hospital?" He rambled in a sudden Rage.

"Jake... Jake, the movie's over. What are you doing?" I went to grab but my skin nearly burned at the contact. "Jake, you're really hot.  Like, you feel like you have a fever. Are you okay?" Now I was concerned as he backed away to the theatre doors

"I don't know what's happening... I gotta go."

That was the last time I saw him before he disappeared


It had now been a week and Billy had informed us that Jacob Had mono so he was too sick to visit. But something about it seemed off. I would call him every day and he wouldn't pick up. I'd message him, I'd even call his dad but still, nothing. And I hated to admit it. But Rory's statement was seeming more and more eligible by the second.

Speaking of Rory, she still was refusing to acknowledge me even at school, she would spend her day hanging around others or just completely ignore me all together. And people were starting to notice.

Unfortunately for me, I knew that if word were to get out about our argument, I would not have majority of the support. I guess you could call it a down side of having a famous relative. When it comes to  who's side they would take, it would always be the side of the popular one. And Rory was the popular one.

I never really understood why though. I mean sure, she was a better talker than me but I dated Edward Cullen. That had to say something about me considering how picky he apparently was with girls. 

And yet, the minute people started noticing that Rory and I weren't talking, I had noticed people starting to spend more time with her than me. Like it was my fault the Rory couldn't hold her anger in.

After two weeks of being casted aside I was done being second best. I didn't need her and I really didn't need her issues in my life so I decided it was finally time to go visit Jacob.

"I'll be back in a bit," I yelled to whoever was in the house before closing the door behind me and moving over to my truck.

I began to Drive through the area of my destination after 5 minutes as a sign noted my arrival in La push. And as I inched closer, Only one thought circled my mind.

'Please be ok Jacob'

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