Chapter 22

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Song: The Great Pretender (The Platters)


She was back.

Bella had returned and was now asleep in the arms of a not so flatteringly white guy. Not that I really cared. After all, her problems were her own and I was rather enjoying this argument as Charlie had his gun literally ready to shoot the boy.

Maxi was looking outside curiously with her paper and crayons in front of her which reminded me quickly of an errand I had to run so reluctantly, I left the scene and headed to my truck, but upon leaving I found the guy from inside glaring me down as well as 6 others. Only they weren't really glaring at me but seemed rather disgusted by me.

That's when it clicked.

"Shit, um. Sorry about the stench. Kind of dating one of them." I blurted out trying to at least not get on their bad side.

Most of them were looking at me now rather kindly except for the blond woman who was still glaring at me. Her boyfriend on the other hand was a little less deterred by my scent and more interested in me.

"No way. Are you telling me Bella is friends with Rory Rebel?" He shook my hand to which I returned.

"Haha. Not a chance. Sorry, but I don't make a habit of befriending overly problematic people. I'm sure you guys have got your fair share of drama from associating with her and for that matter, I'd like to formally apologize for my helpless cousin."

The blond looked at me slightly shocked before softening her glare and even letting a small smile creep past.

"So we're not the only ones who have to deal with this nonsense." A few of the vampires sent her a light glare but she really didn't seem all that interested in them.

I liked this girl, she had sass.

"If by that you mean having to cut off a vampire's hand before even knowing what it was just to stop her from getting killed... then yes."

The group looked at me shocked.

"You were able to wound a vampire?" The one who I had come to know as Carlisle asked. Bella had shown me pictures of all of them so I knew who they were but it was still hard to believe people could have such clear skin.

"Ya. Well, listen I'm still just human but one thing I know is that vampires might be dead but they can still move. And if they can move, then they've got plenty of pressure points to attack. I just need to know which ones."

The group looked at me like I had two heads before Esme spoke up introducing everyone and even went as far as to invite me for dinner.

"Although I appreciate it. I'm sorta sticking with the wolves. So maybe you guys could stick with the one swan."

"Are you sure we can't just switch Swans?" Rosalie joked earning a growl from Edward as he left my home.

"I don't know what you did to her but Bella is traumatized because of you." He started stalking towards me. But before he could reach me, Maxi ran ahead of him.

"Aunt Roro look what I made!" She hopped into my arms and showed me a picture of the vampire girl with blond hair.

"That's an awesome drawing Max. Why don't you go give it to her?" I put her smiling figure on the ground while completely ignoring the vampire who had yet to turn his glare from me.

"Ok!" Quickly she ran over to Rosalie before looking up at her and giggling. "I made this for you because you're really pretty."

The older woman's eyes instantly softened at the child as she picked up the girl's masterpiece that showed a stick-like person with blond hair and golden eyes. It was a usual child's drawing but Rosalie was practically on the brink of tears as she leaned down.

"What's your name honey?" She asked

"I'm Maxi, and that's my Aunt Roro." Maxi pointed back at me.

"Her mom is staying elsewhere in town right now but Maxi is staying with me," I explained softly as the blond nodded along.

"Well Maxi, this picture is lovely, thank you." She hugged the little girl who ignored the cold and hugged back.

"No problem, Bye Ms. Rosie." She left back to me as I picked her up.

"Well Ladies and Gents, it was nice meeting you all but I have plans elsewhere so maybe I'll see you around." And with that, I left them to their devices as I got in my car and drove off.



I was angry and I didn't know why.

All I wanted to do was punch that stupid Paul's face. He didn't understand what I was going through and still, he tried to lecture me. I had shifted and now for a week I've been stuck listening to all these boys thinking about their stupid imprints and it was fucking infuriating.

Especially Sam, my ex-boyfriend. All he did was think about Emily, AKA my cousin, AKA his imprint. It made me want to pop his head off but what pissed me off, even more, was the fact that now I was stuck listening to his orders.

And here Paul was saying that I should meet his imprint. The one that for some reason he wasn't showing me threw the mind link, it was annoying as hell.

Walking into the building I went to the first Gym I could find to find someone who would willingly spar with me.

"Hey there, what can I do for you." A familiar girl approached me, drenched in sweat. All it took was a brief look at her face to know who it was.

"Rory Rebel?"

"The one and only."

I couldn't help but smile at the girl. Her energy was as chaotic as one would expect and the mischief in her smile was alluring. But she still portrayed this professional attitude as an employee.

She looked me up and down as I analyzed her before smiling. "Say, you look upset. Why don't I gear you up and you can punch it out. I'll even offer up myself as a sacrifice." She offered jokingly to which I chuckled before looking at the clock.

"But, it's closing time." I pointed out.

"Honey, anger doesn't follow a schedule. Now come on. the gym's empty Right now is perfect for a late-night sparring match."

And that's exactly what we did. We sparred for a good hour before finally deciding to stop. I ended up telling her everything, besides the supernatural facts while we cleaned up, to which she agreed that whoever I was dealing with shouldn't be forcing stuff like that onto me.

"I'm telling you, just give me the word and a name. I'll beat the shit out of whoever it is who did that. I mean I get where they're coming from. After all, if your families are close then he probably is just trying to make sure you know that they still want you around or something but that's not something you force down someone's throat."

That comment really stuck with me, even once the subject had changed. Were they just trying to make me feel welcome? I didn't really didn't think about that at all.

Eventually, we were done cleaning and Rory was packing up her truck to leave.

"Thanks... you know for... all this." I motioned to signify out match together. It really helped me out and I thought she deserved to know that.

"It's really no problem Leah, you have my number and by the way, a lot of potential. So, come by anytime. Granted I can't let you in free every time but maybe get a membership and I can give you some personal training." The fighter shot me one of her dazzling smiles as she got in her truck.

"Ya, I'll do that," I called out as she left the lot.

Finally, I had a female friend who really got me.

And it made me really fucking happy.

GIRLS BREATHE FIRE - Paul LahoteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum