Chapter 21

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Song: Don't Leave Me Now (Elvis Presley)


"Who is she... well I mean, I know who SHE is. but how did she know my dad?" Seth whispered from my side watching Rory kneeled in front of Harry's ashes.

"Her dad and your dad were really close," I muttered, but my focus was still mostly on the woman. I could feel her sadness and I wanted to help. Seth asked something like if she knew what we were or not but I couldn't focus on him anymore as I approached Rory.

I put my hand on her shoulder as she leaned into my touch. "Get me out of here Paul." Her whisper was voiced softer than she had ever spoken before and it worried me.

I didn't hesitate to move around to her front and move her arms around my neck before picking her up. Instantly she wrapped her legs around me as I hugged her close and walked us towards her car. I saw Seth's face contort to one of realization as he got out of our way and smiled softly.

"Come by a little later, You two can talk." I nodded before finally getting her to her car. "Tell me where you wanna go." Kissing her forehead I looked at her for her answer.

"Anywhere but Charlies. Maybe your place I- I don't know" Rory sighed quietly to which I nodded getting in the driver's seat.

I pulled her into my side and placed a final kiss on the top of her head "Ok, it's ok. Don't worry about it, I've got you."


Her hands lead my own underneath the fabric of her shirt.

the sheets tangled and reformed as our bodies pressed further into them.

Her body weight was lightly pressing into my lap as she straddled me.

Lips oh so kissable

Eyes like fire, dancing with passion; embodied with nameless emotion.

Skin smooth like silk as her shirt rod up her waist.

Thighs strong on either side of me.

Everything about this moment would've been perfect if I didn't have keep wondering...

Why now?

"Wow, wow, wow. Aurora." I finally pushed her lightly though I didn't really want to stop. I knew going any further would run my self-control straight out the door so I needed to be sure of some things before continuing anything.

"Yes?" She sat up with me, still straddling my lap.

"I'm sorry but I need to know why we're doing this now. Trust me, I'd love nothing more to continue, but if this is some coping mechanism for loss I... I don't want that to be our first time... Please I just, if we go any further I won't be able to control myself and I need to know you're 100% sure about this."

Rory looked at me softly, her eyes still expressing feelings I had yet to decipher.

"Paul... I've lost a lot of people in my life. more so than I'd like to count and not just to death. Harry... Harry was my godfather, and he put in the effort to make sure I knew that, even if we really did only start talking recently, he made me feel more at home than I ever did in a mansion filled with people whose jobs were to assist me and I just lost him." she explained slowly.

Every word she muttered was like an anchor hitting the sea floor: slow, and steady but equally as unsettling.

"I won't lie... I have used this method to block out my sorrows in the past. But this time, this isn't a coping mechanism."

"Then what is it?" I asked bringing my hand up to brush away strands of her hair from her forehead. Eventually, she intertwined her own fingers with mine between us.

"There's another person who makes me feel at home. You... Paul, you make me feel like everything I've experienced has just been a bad dream. And... I don't want to lose you. I don't want you and I to go waiting for a 'right time' that may never come. As far as I'm concerned, every moment is the right moment, and I hate that it took me losing someone to realize that. So please, don't make me wait."

I gazed at her thoughtfully, taking in every feature of her face, like the way my dim lights illuminated her face or the determination in her chocolate eyes. even her scent was driving me up the wall.

"You're sure won't regret this?" I clarified one final time, my tone deep and filled with passion as her own lips brushed my own from proximity.

"Sure as the sun setting."

By that point, Our lips were already attached in a desire-filled moment.

Neither of us were aware of our surroundings any longer. Each other's presence was our only focus and quickly, our skin contact became our lifeline.

This was our comfort, each other I mean. After the loss of a close friend, I think we both just needed to be certain we still had each other though I didn't notice it myself until she had confessed it to me.

Our clothes now discarded I couldn't help but admire the woman I had been gifted by the gods

"I can hear your heartbeat," I whispered into her ear as her heartbeat sped up again.

"That's all your doing, baby." Her voice, those words, the warmth of her skin, everything was throwing me over the edge and I swear...

I don't even remember what happened next.


"I never thought I would end up having sex this year." Rory voiced from my chest as we lied together in the morning light.

"I never thought I'd find a girl who I could fuck and then talk about One piece with." My comment caused a fit of laughter to escape the girl to which I quickly joined in.

"God, you're amazing."

"Thanks..." she sighed but her voice seemed distant as she fell into the thoughts of her own head. That is until she finally looked up again. "This summer I want to do a bunch of stuff. I don't really care what but I want it to be fun
and I want to experience as much as possible. And I need you to be there with me." She continued sadly after a moment of silence. "I just... don't want to risk being pulled out of this town without getting the most out of it."

She didn't get to continue as I placed a loving kiss on her lips and rolled her over so I was now hovering over her. "You're not going anywhere with them... Leslie and that other bitch will have to drag you out of this town and away from me. Even then, I'll come find you, and I'll bring you back. You are my girl now and I'm all yours so you need to promise me you'll fight too."

Our faces were now only inches apart so every little feature on her face had become noticeable. Including the hints of shock that turned into ones of joy as she kissed my lips softly.

"Of course. But you need to promise me one thing too."

"Anything," I replied.

"Promise you won't ever give up on me. Promise me, you'll stand by my side."

my fingers lingered around her own before quickly locking them tightly as we gazed at each other in our own little world.


GIRLS BREATHE FIRE - Paul LahoteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt