Chapter 5

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Song: Come Rain or Come Shine (Ray Charles)


"So... you... and Bella are..?"

"Yes Jessica, we're cousins. I don't know how many times I need to say that." I laughed as a blush crept onto Jessica's face. Honestly, Bellas friend group wasn't bad at all. Eric was really nice and so was Angela. And, even if I didn't particularly like Jessica and literally had just floored Mike, they weren't terrible.

"So then, how long are you going to be in town?" Eric asked from across from me.

"Me and my niece, Maxi, are spending the year up here for sure but from there I can't really be sure."

I had gone back and forth answering questions for the entirety of lunchtime but one thing I noticed was Bella's distance from socializing. I didn't particularly like seeing her like this but I didn't know what to do so when she left I asked the group for help.

"Listen, I know this is probably a lot to ask but please, don't go dropping Bella while she's like this. Even if it's just checking in on her I don't care... But no one should go through this alone." I attempted reasoning, hopeful that they would understand my point.

"Why don't you do it?" Jessica pointed out t which I sighed.

"Chie-Charlie and I are awkward that way. We can be social when we want to be but come on. I was raised rich and still, my efforts went to martial arts. What does that say about me? I'm not good at being sentimental and I have really bad temper problems. What you saw with Mike could have been a lot worse If I was serious... my point is, she doesn't have a lot of emotional vents at home so maybe... you guys might be able to fill that spot."

Reluctantly Jessica nodded with the other three gave full support and before we knew it lunch was over.

"Hey what class do you have next?" Eric asked as we walked out.

"Oh, actually I only have morning classes because I already have my 30 required credits. I'm just doing 2 courses a semester both in the morning so I can get home." I smiled at the three before waving goodbye. And finally, I was heading home.

luckily I wasn't the only person who had a good first day as Maxi came home to tell me about this little girl, Claire, who was her new best friend.



Today was Halloween. better known as Claire's favourite day of the year and I was currently at her school waiting to pick her up. The Parents were forced to wait outside the yard until the kids were released so we were all just standing there, me getting the odd look here and there as usual for the scar on my face.

But today in particular there was one girl whose Gaze was Practically boring into me. She would look away when I'd look at her but without much effort, I was easily able t get a good look at her.

Her Platinum Blond hair looked unnatural but still befitting of her, especially with the red beanie however as I went to take a closer look at her attire I found That besides the Jean Jacket and Track pants, she was in a full Spiderman costume and the beanie was simply the mask pulled up.

It was actually rather cute but her gaze was a little too strong when I'd catch her looking. Right before she tried moving over to me the bell rang and kids came filing out in their cute costumes. Claire and her friend decided that this year for Halloween, the two wanted to be something from their cultures so it was pretty easy to spot them among the sea of superheroes and cinderellas.

"Claire Bear!" I called over to the girl. Claire was wearing a beautiful native costume I had made for her from an ancient legend of our tribe. But as she approached I noticed the little girl running in tow. I assuming this was her friend and she was absolutely adorable. She was a latino girl with this big dark blue eyes, and long dark brown hair that had ben styled for her costume as a sugar skull.

"Auntie Emi! Come meet my friend!" She smiled as i went around the fence into the yard.

"And who are you little lady?" I asked as the little girl began to smile.

"I'm Maxi, and I'm a Sugar Skull." She looked up at me with those big eyes until something behind me had caught her eye. I followed her line of vision to find that girl still here but no longer looking at me. Her eyes were lazily watching her finger fiddle with a twig before Maxi called out.

"Aunt Roro!" I couldn't help but grimace at who she was after how she had been staring at my scar. I couldn't even explain it but somehow that woman had made me feel small or at least flustered. When my eyes found the girl again I saw her absolutely light up. she literally jumped the fence and took Maxi into her arms with this big hug.

"Hey Max. I missed you girlie." She beamed as she put her forehead to the little girls. It was funny but I couldn't help but think she was the womans Imprint. After all, the way she looked at Maxi, was the same way Sam looked at me.

"Come on! meet my friend Claire!" She cheered as the woman was pulled over to us and suddenly, we were face to face.

She looked me in the eyes before sending me a soft smile and couldn't help but notice how dazzling it was before she was yanked down to meet Claire.

Within seconds Her Maxi and claire were talking up a storm with the blond sitting on the ground so to be at eye level with them. She eventually glanced back up to me before whispering something in Maxi's ear who shot me a smirk and thenran off with Claire.

'Well... that was strange.' I thought to myself as the Woman got up.

"Um sorry for staring earlier... I didn't mean to seem rude." she apologized making me smile lightly.

"It's fine I get that a lot." I laughed as she brought a hand up to her neck and looking away.

"Ya, honestly I was trying to figure out how to ask you out. But I mean hey if your not into me or girls or anything that's fine." She rambled on

But I had drawn a blank. Honestly the minute I heard her say that she wanted to ask me out I didn't know if I wanted to laugh, gasp or awe. But every first impression I had of her went out the window.

"Wait... you weren't... staring at my scar?" I pondered allowed. This time it was her who looked at me in slight shock.

"What? No... no, of course not. Listen your scar is not something that is any of my business but if you ask me it's one of the things that makes you... gorgeous." She mumbled that last part clearly embarrassed and I couldn't hold in My laugh.

"I'm so sorry, that really is flattering but I'm engaged." I giggled as she looked up at me.

"Well, you win some you lose some right? at least I tried." she nudged me and together we broke into a fit of laughter, unbothered by the few rather nasty stares thrown our way.

"I'm Emily Young, and I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends." I introduced myself as my own smile mirrored her contagious one.

"Rory Swan and I'd like that." She smiled back as a moment of comfortable silence fell over us.

That is until a not-so-pleasant interruption occurred.

"Ah, Ms. Young, Ms. Swan. I'm glad I caught you two."

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