Chapter 26

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Song: Fever (Peggy Lee)


As we turned into The Black Residence I found nothing but a screaming mess. Jacobs painful wailing could be heard from the whole lot, Paul was arguing with Alice, Leah was mad at Jacob for whatever reason, Bella was having a staredown with some of the wolves who weren't too fond of her and the other people present were clearly uneasy with each other's company. The only two missings were Carlisle and Jacob.

So going over the events of today. My cousin had an entire army of Vampires out to kill her, The pack had to help fend them off, Jacob got hurt and everyone one was currently yelling at each other. To top that, I had to beat the shit out of a girl's abusive boyfriend, give her a place to stay, and then tell her about vampires after finding another girl running from Vampires who was also vampires looking for a place to hide.

"Everyone Shut Up!!" My voice echoed throughout the entire group as everyone's attention snapped towards me. That's when they noticed my appearance.

The sweater I had taken off exposed the bloodied t-shirt I had been wearing while beating up that guy. My knuckles were still bruised. Most likely, there was blood on my face and I could feel my own glare making the others flinch.

Bella among the sea of worried and confused faces looked absolutely terrified. "Who- who did you kill?" She eyed me warily. I really didn't feel like dealing with her judging at the moment so Instead of denying anything I turned my gaze towards her.

"Don't worry about it." I rolled up my sleeves swiftly and turned to the house where Jacob was being treated and began to approach it through the crowd that had opened up a path for me. Carlisle had peaked out his head questioningly as I made my way to the door. "I have some experience with pain tolerance so If nothing else I should be able to help numb out his pain a little. Also, I have a feeling no one out here has assisted an injury like this before. I have so let me help."

With a quick nod, he opened the door for me and pointed me to the sink where I cleaned off my hands. Jacob looked at me warily as I took my index finger and applied pressure to a few of his points. "Pressure points," I explained to the confused boy. "I can make this hurt a lot less for you by nullifying your nervous system's reaction sensitivity. That way you don't feel as much pain."

"You're pretty experienced in this." Carlisle pointed out.

"Ya, I've had to do more than A few procedures on myself," I explained calmly as I assisted Carlisle with his work.

"Bella told us that you were in MMA but wouldn't you have a team of helpers?" He asked.

"She probably left out how my mother didn't know about my career because she was a hounding self-absorbed Gold Digger who restricted me from any and all known socialization to focus on my studies in law." Carlisle's face quickly shifted to one of shock because apologizing for his rudeness. "It's fine. She was never really my mom besides genetically. So when push came to shove, I decided that a secret life is better than no life."

We talked a little more over the course of the procedure until Jacob was finally onto the stage of just needing rest. And at that point, we were heading back out.

I barely even had enough time to step out of the house before I was mauled by a Bear hug from Paul. I didn't complain as I accepted the hug in full.

"Are you gonna be ok?" He asked Softly.

"I will be," I responded. We sat peacefully for a moment before it was interrupted by Esme's worried question.

"So, you found the young Vampire? She was about to be killed by the Volturi but got away." I couldn't say I knew what she was talking about but I had a feeling she was referring to Bree so faintly I nodded my head.

"And you beat up some girl's abusive boyfriend and told her about vampires and will be letting her live in your gyms attic?" Emmett added in.

Again I nodded. "I think Jasmine and Bree will both need a little Time so maybe you guys should give them a week to get themselves situated a little bit."

"But, what about feeding?" Bella included herself in the conversation, most likely trying to make herself seem like the more educated one. Which was petty on her part but I chose to ignore that.

"Carlisle if you could get me a few blood bags I'm sure she could hold off a few days on feeding right?" Carlisle nodded in confirmation of my comment

"What do you boys have to say about this?" I turned to Sam and the pack.

"We don't like it but when has that ever stopped you." Sams words spoke for everyone as the boys broke into a sea of grinning idiots, to which I could only return in full.

Eventually, the group split up. The Cullens going home, a few of the pack members opting to stay and help Jacob, and the rest leaving to go home and sleep.

As for me and Paul, I had asked if Maxi and I could stay with him tonight. The last thing I wanted was to be alone but I also refused to not get any sleep so Paul was the perfect fit.

"Do you guys want your own room?" Paul looked between Maxi and me questioningly. The two of us only grinned at each other in response before launching ourselves at Paul who fell back into his bed.

"You're stuck with us both tonight Baby," I smirked triumphantly up at him. He only chuckled and placed a hand on my cheek and Maxi's head.

In a swift motion, he pushed Maxi's face into his chest and kissed me swiftly before Maxi could see. "I'm fine with that."

I all but snorted at his antics before stealing one of his shirts to wear to bed. When I came out, I found Maxi in what I could only assume was a REALLY old shirt of Paul's. It still drenched the little girl but it was better than her wearing a shirt like this that drenched even me.

Within minutes we were all cuddled up in one bed, Paul's warmth being more than enough to keep us all warm throughout the night and the whole time I could only think of one thing.

This was where I belonged.

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